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James H. Morrison. 31 Crime & Court Documents all in one location. Crime Board Released.

New Docs uploaded.

Sourced from Pixy (the Open Source Portal.)

First Step. Check out the Crime Board (a fluid document that is updated often)

31 Crime & Court Documents all in one location

  • First of 3 Consecutive Articles

  • Court Documents 1 through 10 in this article.

  • Monday September 18, 2023 PIXY will release court documents 11 through 21

  • Tuesday September 19, 2023 PIXY will release court documents 22 through 31

  • Scroll to the New Frivolous Legal Proceedings James Morrison is launching against more than 20 people (some very well knowns)

After launching frivolous lawsuits against Joshua Bingham and Jon Little (and death threats to Jon Little and Reddit user "Pizza Slut" ), James Henry Morrison has a new playbook for extortion. He is using the internet, emails, and "his attorney" to dox dozens of people including Peter Spina, Happy Hawaiian, Michael Lynch, and dozens more.

Goldseek Peter Spina's Twitter posts over past few days


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