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Morrison. Why is He Attacking Kinesis after he stole their 53,000? Fired by Miners for FRAUD

September 18, 2023

  • Pixy open source portal editorial and data dump.

  • Yesterday was the first 10 court documents from King County Washington.

  • Today are 10 more and up to date text.

  • Tomorrow's article has the most pathetic language from his defense attorney

  • James Morrison feeling "butt hurt" and afraid of Jail and beat down in Jail

  • Perps don't do well in Jail we were told


Crime profilers use the term "escalation" to describe a situation in which an offender's behavior becomes more violent or dangerous over time. This can be seen in several different ways, such as when an offender commits a more serious crime, uses more violence, or targets more vulnerable victims.

There are many reasons why an offender might escalate their behavior. One possibility is that James Morrison is becoming more comfortable with crime and are feeling less afraid of the consequences. In the case of James H. Morrison, he can not make a move without his motives being exposed, and he is increasingly frustrated angry, and he is lashing out in violent ways.

The following has occurred in a matter of days, weeks, and months:

  • January 27, 2022, the first story drops of James Lewis of Wall Street Silver was really James Morrison, a violent offender with crimes in North Carolina, Washington, and Florida.

  • It's discovered that he is part of a scheme where over $120,000 GoFundMe funds are missing/stolen.

  • It is discovered that over $500,000 royalties from a Wall Street Silver "so-called Troy" coin is misallocated (stolen)

  • It is discovered that over $53,000 in Kinesis is misallocated (stolen)

  • Over 20 miners are charged fees averaging $10,000 per month.

  • Annualized, this is $2.4 million worth of fraudulent business practices (Morrison stating he had influence in precious metals when he had little to no influence)

  • Many miners are now starting to come forward with very revealing comments. Gold, copper, and silver miners are arriving at an awkward consensus that Morrison showed ignorance surrounding mining industry practices (terms such as mineralization, metallurgy, engineering, technologies miners use, finances or other topics that an influencer would generally have.)

  • ASIDE - No one likes to admit they were victims of being duped, and no one blames the clients who were scammed

  • If you add up all the money he scammed out of multiple employers in Washington. Some Law Enforcement believe he started this series of acts in young adulthood and there may have been over 7 victims.

  • All added up Morrison has amassed about 3.5 million in unearned income from fraud and extortion and many believe he will flee to a nation like Dubai (no extradition agreement with USA)

  • Pickaxe first compared his crimes to FTX Sam Bankman-Fried but given the violence, death threats and mafia tactics Morrison is much more seasoned criminal. SBF is small time compared to big Jim Morrison (aka Jim Lewis)

Whereas influencers like Doug Casey or Lobo Tiggre understand the path from junior to mid-tier to majors, Morrison deflected this ignorance by demonstrating that one of his "retweets" would have some kind of media value. Morrison was tweeting out to "paid bots" he purchased, and he describes the scheme here.


Morrison's subconscious brain where he spills the beans on himself - LOL Pay close attention to what Morrison says at 2:52 time stamp.

He reveals himself in what is called Projection (a defense mechanism authored by Sigmund Freud) where the offender projects his character flaws onto someone else

It was discovered that Morrison used bots to beef up his Twitter profile. This speaks volumes of his severe narcissism. Before he ingloriously collapsed from his short lived YouTube fame all he wanted to discuss was his twitter following and usually told his guests their Twitter following numbers.

Morrison has this Napoleon complex and presents very insecure about his past social status, or other personal deficits in credentials. This is why he commonly lied about being a broker. He propped up his social media following artificially. Morrison has this pattern of compensating for his pathetic work history (15 jobs since emancipating) by being increasingly aggressive, domineering, or controlling. You will read about his chronic work performance issues in this data dump.

One social media expert stated, "If a fly right before being squished could transform into a Grizzly bear...Well, it probably would.

To compensate for being ignorant of silver and gold and metals mining in general, Morrison paid for a fake audience, and his scam worked until it didn't.

Last Thursday, September 14, 2023, Morrison told his attorney in Florida that he had lost all his clients.

We obtained emails from Red Cloud securities CEO Bruce Tatter confirming no miners are working with Morrison due to the abovementioned problems with Morrison's fraud and substantial lack of professional knowledge. Moreover, his clients "were finally catching on" because his mostly fake social media accounts converted into poor "Return on Investment" and business disappointment.

Specifically,(miners felt cheated out of the fees they paid for Morrison's bogus promotions.)

Though Morrison claimed to have knowledge and influence with precious metals, his tweets focused on fueling the cultural wars via reposting other more popular accounts on topics surrounding immigration, wedge issues, and LGTBQ hate, (and were becoming increasingly anti-semitic.)


Just a few weeks ago Morrison started terrorizing members of Reddit (lashing back) because "The Apes in the Jungle" managed to take control of which is viral platform and robust community of stackers. The Apes started posting memes exposing the fraud of Ivan B and James Morrison. Here were some epic memes that "poked fun" of Morrison and when you read through his 22 page "lawsuit" against Joshua Bingham and Jon F Little it is full of Morrison feeling "butt hurt" over the memes. This is so insane, it would be like if any US President ever cared about a political cartoon. But some do right?


Morrison has emailed Jon Little dozens of time each time threatening more harm (On top of multiple death threats) Then as he is losing control he started attacks or launched previous attacks on:

  • Jim Forsythe, Citizens for Sound Money and Kinesis influencer

  • Peter Spina of Goldseek

  • Bob Coleman of Idaho GoldandSilver Vaults

  • Rob Kientz of GoldSilver Pros and Kinesis influencer

  • Pat Holland, soundmoney advocate in Missouri

  • Michael Lynch (also goes by Ditch the Deep State) on Reddit

  • Happy Hawaiian

  • Nate Fisher, Renaissance Man Blog and popular guest on Arcadia Economics, Kinesis influencer

  • and dozens more listed in this insane court filing where he somehow believes he has jurisdiction over Twitter and Reddit to the extent that they would violate Terms of Service, privacy, et al.

Reddit SDC mods like Chief Banana Jammah, Meme Sergeant Spliff, PizzaSlut (just read the list in the link above) The number of people he believes he can litigate coercively shows the degree of his delusions

On Twitter

On Reddit



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