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Things Are Getting Worse for WallStreetSilver. Is Jim Lewis the Silver Version of Sam Bankman-Fried?

Story in progress and updated two times per day. The volume of claims and incidents by mining executives, reddit members and precious metals enthusiasts are being added to this ongoing story. a compilation of reports by reddit community members uploaded via the PickAxe self-publishing tool.

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Wall Street Silver. Allegations of fraud, censorship, racism and plagiarism.

Wall Street Silver's Fall from Grace. No longer Silver Darlings. From Hero to Zero The number of serious allegations about Wall Street Silver corruption are snowballing by the minute.

This drip drip drip is turning into a flood.

There are intensifying reports that Wall Street Silver's self-proclaimed founder Jim Lewis and his assistant Ivan Bayoukhi have misled numerous mining companies to trade pumped-up followers in exchange for advertising, yielding a growing distrust within the silver mining clients about experiencing deplorable and dissatisfying returns on advertising results.

The alleged fraud perpetrated by Jim Lewis and Ivan Bayoukhi stems from various ethical missteps. Most prominently, grossly exaggerated and false claims by Jim and Ivan surrounding their social media influence.

Numerous Wall Street Silver users report that Jim attended mining conference(s) off the popularity of Wall Street Bets then convincing gold and silver miners they had followers far from the numbers they charged advertisers in terms of price per impressions.

It gets worse. We are now learning that Jim Lewis had no previous background in precious metals or mining, the two very things he was charging exorbitant consultant and media fees for. This would be like a Doctor charging enormous fees while having zero knowledge of chemistry or biology.

Jim's previous experience was the opposite of promoting precious metals. It's reported his background is working for "hostile" firms like Merrill Lynch while he positioned himself as some maverick against these same "Wall Street devils."

When someone advertises based on a phony media kit, it is a version of fraud linked to being conned about a media's demographics, strength, track record, and reach.

This is like owning a newspaper and telling the local plumber that you have a readership or circulation of one million when your circulation is much less. Or, like having a magazine for home design and telling remodelers that your readership owns homes when most are renters.

We've spoken with more than four prominent gold and silver dealers who mention they see little difference in sales due to Wall Street Silver "Apes."

They comment that once prices are above $24, they get more inquiries about "apes selling" than "apes buying."

Moreover, Jim Lewis and Ivan Bayoukhi have created numerous fake accounts or have allegedly paid services like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer hired to pump up their followers on twitter and reddit.

Some say they are hiring "click farms" to build fake followers.

Things keep getting much worse for Jim Lewis and Ivan Bayoukhi

Insiders who have looked behind the curtain know the corruption is there while Jim Lewis escalates. Many of the original flock are leaving the WallStreetSilver group in droves or getting blocked by "Big Jim" for asking legitimate questions about his accountability to the original mission.

People on the Reddit sub-Wall Street Silver are starting to see through the fakery and many substantive and serious questions are surfacing such as:

1/ What happened to the money raised on their GoFundMe campaign?

2/ Why was there no transparency on these funds (i.e. Show Me The Audit)

3/ What happened to the funds earmarked for billboards?

4/ What happened to the proceeds from the minted coins sold by SilverGoldBull?

5/ Why does Jim Lewis censor people who ask routine questions regarding his accountability?

This all comes down to this fundamental issue. Communities on social media are customarily about people of like mind sharing ideas for a cause or to raise awareness. They are not companies. They are not intended to have leaders leverage the momentum of the community effort for privatized gains or a personal revenue stream. Everyone else in the community has a regular job whereas Jim and Ivan have exploited the content and numbers of the community and monetized to line their pockets with everyone else's effort.

Wall Street Silver Caught Lightning in a Bottle but "it was a Bottle of Bad Faith."

A few years ago, Wall Street Bets was in the news for disrupting Wall Street insiders who had shorted stocks like Gamestop and AMC Theatres. After all, it was Covid, and people were not gathering inside movie theaters. So Wall Street Bets organized retail investors to "take the other side of the trade" in a grassroots underdog movement giving rise to meme investing.

Wall Street Silver's original mission was to do likewise with the silver commodity vs publicly traded stocks. The thinking was that bankers and silver industrialists had been manipulating silver pricing to the downside.

This presented an opportunity to form a syndicate of guerilla retailers to follow the WSB disruptive spirit of investing and "stick it to bankers and their client governments" who use the US dollar to rig markets and foreign policy related to monetary policy.

Numerous Wall Street Silver members allege that Jim Lewis and Ivan Bayoukhi have hijacked the WSS group for personal gain. A swelling movement wants Jim and Ivan to resign because of what they call "theft, corruption, censorship acts and false advertising."

Ivan had gone on KITCO with David Lin to discuss how WSS would have a ledger that would yield 100% transparency in funds raised on GoFundMe. The funds were to educate the masses on how a silver squeeze could stop bankers from manipulating the silver market via paper or OTC futures trading.

Ivan Bayoukhi tells the worldwide audience and David Lin that all the money raised from the GoFundMe campaign will be on a ledger so everyone can see funds spent on raising awareness for the silver movement. This included public awareness campaigns such as:


-internet ads

-other ancillary promotions

They solicited donations from prominent bullion dealers, including SD Bullion, Miles Franklin and other big names in the precious metals industry.

But there is a bombshell or outcry mounting.

No one has seen this ledger of so called transparency.

The ledger was to account for proceeds from their GoFundMe donations and 1 oz silver rounds.

View the segment of the video below. The video whereby Ivan boasts of transparency surrounding the missing funds some claim is north of $500,000.00 (GoFundMe and proceeds from the 1 oz .999 Silver Rounds featuring the mascot Troy)

Ivan Bayoukhi on the ledger

More on this ledger topic below when it's revealed that there was a third founder that was kicked out of the movement or maybe he left because he didn't want to be implicated in theft of GoFundMe?

Holding Jim and Ivan to account.

Look What Happens when WSS Community Members are asking about transparency.

Specifically, the new refrain is "For the Love of God, Please produce the ledger." Otherwise the only rational conclusion is that the funds were misallocated at best or siphoned at worst.

Moreover why would community funds be spent on expensive legal fees? It goes to the very premise of this article.
Precisely, Why would you take a community movement that you didn't really start and run to the attorney to profit?
This isn't their intellectual property or anyone's physical property. It's a community on reddit that doesn't belong to them.

This tweet was submitted by a reddit user and taken down after questions started trickling in like


After the earnest post above, Ivan Bayoukhi promptly removed it but not before it had organically climbed to the top of the page and had reached thousands of upvotes. Clearly, the WallStreetSilver sub-culture is turning against Jim Lewis and Ivan Bayoukhi for their shady shenanigans. They turned a grass-roots movement into their "pay to play" piggy bank.


Tired of hearing about The Ledger yet? It wasn't this feature article, it was Jim and Ivan who kept talking about it. Reminds me of other con men like Madoff or Sam Bankman Fried, they too were constantly talking about transparency, an audit and a ledger. More ammo here:

  • Misallocation of GoFundme.

  • Producing horrendous ROI for miners who have already been hammered down by jurisdiction and other systemic challenges.

  • Censoring anyone who speaks out

  • Plagiarizing other people's work

  • Turning community goodwill into private revenue streams

  • What else could go wrong? Plenty, keep reading

One WSS user commented,"it's like heartless and pernicious citizens who scam the elderly, they do so because they are lonely and often mentally vulnerable to the con. Jim's like a wolf and we are his prey"

Below are some posts that have either been pulled down by Jim and Ivan or posted on alternative silver sites showcasing the distrust and anger towards the way Jim and Ivan have hijacked the community. They have monetized it for personal gain and have taken it 180 degrees from the original mission. What once was a movement about sound money speaking out against corruption has turned into a revenue stream for Jim and Ivan.

Insiders allege that Jim Lewis charges his miners over $10,000 per campaign.

Other reports say that miners are charged $25,000 with horrendous ROI metrics.

And even more reports that Jim was introduced to miners by friends with mining expertise. Then Jim circled back to these very same contacts with counter-proposals offering false promises boasting about his hero status as a self proclaimed "influencer."

Jim Lewis's ad campaigns average five times more per impression, and the advertising ROI is not measurable compared to people like Doug Casey.

Trusted experts such as Doug Casey (International Man) have a time-tested strategy and team of financial all-stars like Nick Giambruno and David Stockman. Their media team delivers substantive research and relevant history. Through delivering for their ad clients International Man has high net worth demographics. They understand the importance of frequency, reach and delivering Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA) for their client base.

In sad contrast, many say Jim Lewis spews dribble while sources like Casey's "International Man" have legitimacy.

More and More Censorship shared as the top concern of Wall Street Silver Community Members.

More evidence of WallStreetSilver playing the Censorship Card.
Shocking How Quickly the Oppressed become the Oppressors / Suppressors.


Ditch the Deep State. WSS most prolific and popular contributor.

Ditch the Deep State Comex Reports were by far the #1 rated "due diligence" and most popular posts of the WSS sub-reddit. These reports were packed with an astounding volume of content and graphics showing irregularities at Comex. Each post contained paragraphs of analysis with custom graphics that have been re-posted by dozens of precious metals analysts and his writing style was geared to bring up to speed everyone from the serious stacker to the "newbie."

His appearance on Palisades Gold Radio Broadcast became a point of enthusiasm for reddit users and an indication that his research was drawing international attention.

Recent post by Michael Lynch aka Ditch the Deep State.

Michael Lynch ( Ditch the Deep State ) is now posting his superb reporting and Comex reports on

The falling out between Lynch and Lewis is believed to be the death blow for WSS and Jim Lewis. Reddit users recently stated comments like, "Jim Lewis losing Lynch's research is the most significant loss to date, it would be like The Rolling Stones losing Mick Jagger or Led Zeppelin losing Robert Plant or Jimmy Page" Mr. Lynch then began posting on r/SilverDegenClub instead of WSS precisely because there was more authenticity at the new sub and as shown in this article, "WSS is sketchy AF"

This screenshot below from Jim Lewis's Twitter account is incredibly symbolic of how "Big Jim" operates. His pathological narcissism and "monetize all" mentality are so in your face in this exchange below.

The first tweet is Jim Lewis reposting Michael Lynch's research but just read into the sentiment in the second screenshot. Lewis says, "I will tweet once for you." Again, Mr. Lynch has made Jim Lewis hundreds of thousands of dollars, and to Jim Lewis, this is worth one tweet.

Given that Jim has limited knowledge of mining, geology, and precious metals yet has positioned himself as an expert, then what would the street value of real experts be worth for one tweet? Rick Rule's valuation based on the Jim Lewis school of US dollars per Tweet index $1,000,000.00?

What about Luke Gromen? $1.75M?

What about Frank Guistra $2.75M?

What about Michael Pento $3.0M?

What about Jim Rogers $3.5M?

Wonder what drinking a beer with Jim is worth (after you pay for the beer) $10,000?

There is no evidence that this Jim Lewis grifter character has any sense of fair play and that is why the comparison to preying on the elderly was made in this feature article.

Jim Lewis drawing the line in the sand. I will tweet once and only once to a man who has spent thousands of hours painstakingly documenting COMEX charting for over 24 months.


Who is the Happy Hawaiian? If Michael Lynch exiting WSS was the death blow, then below could be described as WSS experiencing full-on mutiny. They have also lost another critical piece of their core legitimacy.

The Wall Street Silver explosion was unrelated to anything Jim Lewis ever did. There was a WSB post by reddit member u/TheHappyHawaiian serving as "the shot heard around the world."

The Happy Hawaiian's post was picked up by Zero Hedge and added an enormous degree of due diligence, and credibility to the squeeze. Moreover, it was upvoted about 25,000 times.

Jim Lewis (just like the disrespect shown to Michael Lynch) is dismissive of this critical piece of Wall Street Silver to this day. It makes no sense except demonstrates Jim's profound personality problems which is a full blown Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. Others describe Jim is having "Pathological narcissism."

"Pathological narcissism is a severe mental health condition that includes disturbances in interpersonal functioning. Interpersonal difficulties by those affected include aggressive, domineering, cold and coercive behaviours which often result in strong negative reactions from others."

Jim Lewis is now trying to write people like Michael Lynch and The Happy Hawaiian out of the WSS origin story. Jim Lewis is literally trying to re-write history and must have forgotten that all these threads have URLS. I believe he thinks he is living in the day prior to the internet when you could employ ad agencies to trot out a narrative or to issue statements vs existing in reality.


Public Sentiment on Jim Lewis The overarching feeling is that WSS is an astounding movement with redible goals. The only requirement by the majority of WSS members is that Jim and Ivan resign due to aforementioned issues with legitimacy, credibility and their impaired ability to lead this important community.

Not Just Reddit Users and Mining Executives Pissed. Twitterverse Blasting Jim Lewis for Plagiarism

It gets even more disturbing. Ivan Bayoukhi posts outrageous and offensive tweets. WTF? WSS community questioning and wondering, "What's fueling Ivan's brazen anti-Semitism?"

Editors note:

Wall Street Silver has shown potential as a positive force fighting for sound money and raising awareness that Central Bankers are nasty creatures while exposing the paper derivative schemes.

The motivation or objective by the authors of this article is that readers weigh the mounting evidence clearly indicating that Jim Lewis and Ivan Bayoukhi and not fit to run the WSS reddit page and all its related branches (YouTube channel, Twitter Account, Advertising Agency, Referral royalties, et al.)

Lastly, that Jim and Ivan retire and produce the ledger for the sake of transparency.

ADDENDUM II Dateline January 30,

Jim and Ivan are attending Jay Martin's Vancouver Resource Investment Conference. They usually spend the day guarding their reddit feed making sure no one can raise objections to their intensifying dereliction of duty precisely because Jim and Ivan are censoring any questions surrounding their fraud or misallocation of community funds.

Here are the speakers Here are the exhibitors Jim is chasing down new prey.

A letter was sent to Cambridge House's Jay Martin informing him that Jim Lewis does not represent the r/wallstreetsilver community (for reasons listed above)

Jim and Ivan, desperate to cling to power reversed the ban or censorship for a brief time. This opened the door for an absolute onslaught of more questions.

Look at the vitriol in these posts. Their once fanbase now a brigade of pitchforks and torches

A letter was sent to Jay Martin of Cambridge House asking Mr. Martin to effectively give Jim Lewis the "stage hook." The feeling being why give Jim Lewis a platform when he doesn't represent the Reddit community?

Latest meme showing the two silver darlings and their fall from grace

dba The PickAxe now published by Taylor & Harmon Media Group sole proprietorship, Wheeling West Virginia Owner - Xio D. Harmon

Article submitted by the open source app located here


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