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In the Final Act of the Play the Actors remove their Costumes

by Jon Forrest Little

July 11, 2022

In Paramount’s 1974 epic film The Godfather (by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola) there is a brilliant scene portraying how Vito Corleone rose to power by killing a ruthless crime boss in Brooklyn.

The Feast of San Rocco is a religious celebration held on the 16th of August. It was during this fiery festival that Vito Corleone killed Don Fanucci. Robert DeNiro's character Vito understands the festival fireworks will conceal gunfire. The firecrackers created a diversion.


DeNiro's character knew the street sound of firecrackers would drown out his gunfire. This is called a diversion.

Magicians also use diversions. Magicians have worked out how to control what their audience sees - or perceive they see. This works in vanishing acts, card tricks or even a mentalist can fool and con the public. People are not just deceived by sight, but led to believe the magician has extraordinary powers. It’s a style of trickery for the senses of sight, sound and even thought. When the government steals from you, they do so using covert tactics.

Always look for the diversion. We’re bombarded by them.

In modern times, most diversions live-in domestic media. Most press releases are 180 degrees from reality. I found this one right below this sentence yesterday.

This propaganda piece is so simple, yet so deceiving. The hit piece shows one photo, one headline and one lead sentence, yet so many things are intentionally erroneous.

Our leaders and mainstream media understand that the public is mostly uneducated in monetary matters. This gives them the confidence to pull off many monetary and political crimes. Just look at the simple graphic, headline and lead sentence and let’s count up the falsehoods.

This propaganda piece is so simple, yet so deceiving. The hit piece shows one photo, one headline and one lead sentence, yet so many things are intentionally erroneous.

Our leaders and mainstream media understand that the public is mostly uneducated in monetary matters. This gives them the confidence to pull off many monetary and political crimes. Just look at the simple graphic, headline and lead sentence and let’s count up the lies:

  • Joseph Robinette Biden Jr is not a member of The Fed.

  • The Fed is solely responsible for increasing the money supply.

  • Inflation is defined as the increase in money supply.

  • There is no other explanation for this political phenomenon known as inflation.

  • Just one photo, one headline and one sentence. YET IT CONCEALS THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY USING A DIVERSION.

I consider Edward Bernays the pioneer of US Propaganda. He was Sigmund Freud’s nephew and his clients were the CIA, United Fruit Company and numerous producers of steel, energy, consumer products, and cigarettes.

In his book “Crystallizing Public Opinion,” Bernays states the easiest diversion tactic is to start with a fact and then add the opposite. Just like the example above.

Watch how this works. Takes no brain power. Just some money to pay for your press release to hit domestic media outlets. They call this advertorial. Advertorial is paid advertising that looks like a news story.

To create a diversion you just change one thing like this:

Here is the fact - "The source of high US inflation is pretty clear. The money supply."
Here is the diversion - "The source of high US inflation is pretty clear, and it doesn't have much to do with the money supply." Do you see what changed?

As the US collapses due to debt and reckless monetary /foreign policy, the propaganda amplifier will be volumes louder than Metallica, Indy 500, or the fireworks that covered up Robert DeNiro’s gunfire.

We will bounce from disaster to disaster and from diversion to diversion.

Virus lock downs will be replaced by Climate Emergency Lock downs.

There will be no domestic reporting that US sanctions have pushed 80% of the World towards BRICS.

There will be no mainstream media reporting that members of Congress profit from war stock trading after receiving classified briefings. This is insider trading which is a crime.

NATO expansion and thus the war in Ukraine are the business development models for Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, UK’s Airbus, France’s BAE, Sweden’s SAAB, UK’s Rolls Royce, etc.

We will hear that it’s Putin’s Energy Crisis. The diversion this time is a lie of omission.

There will be no reporting surrounding the truth that the same crowd that promoted the War in Iraq (using disinformation) are selling NATO expansion.

Neocons like Anthony Blinken, Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland have the guns and the press to back their immoral adventure.

From the start of the Covid War in March 2020 until today the US has printed more currency than ever before. This has been the biggest monetary explosion in our entire history. The US money supply expanded by an alarming 43%.

No one I know would say their wealth leaped over this 43% hurdle. Most everyone in the US has taken enormous financial hits. Their salary levels have paused.

It gets much worse. 401(k)s, IRAs, and pensions are all tethered to the Wall Street casino. Equities are down 30% and going lower. Social Security and Medicare are unfunded liabilities.

Where I come from unfunded means MAY NOT HAPPEN.

As bad as the situation with inflation is right now, it’s nothing compared to what is ahead of us. The next round of money printing will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

This will lead to the biggest wealth transfer in history and you guessed right, it will not transfer the wealth in your direction.

The CPI is a deceitful diversion. It is a worthless statistic. It’s nothing more than government propaganda to conceal the fact that they are stealing massive amounts of wealth from the populace without their consent through the hidden inflation tax.

Governments inflate the currency to raise money they can’t raise via taxation. That is why we say it is “taxation without legislation” which would yield some degree of public discussion and transparency. By printing, The Fed bypasses the legislature and voters have no clue what’s happening just like the people in Brooklyn didn’t hear the gunshot.

Inflation is a covert, indirect and insidious tax that the government takes from people without their consent.

Taking something without someone’s consent is stealing.

Corruption is So Blatant and Obvious.

The political class doesn’t even hide it anymore.

There are four common themes shared between all great collapses. Athens, Rome, France, Spain, England, Germany, et al.

  1. Political class aligns with munitions manufacturers. The perception on the street is government caters mostly to soldiers while ignoring everyone else.

  2. Political class has to debase the currency (or inflate) to pay for wars.

  3. Political class clamps down on their own people while eliminating freedoms such as publishing, speech, assembly, right to guns, movement or free trade.

  4. The legitimacy of the ruling class suffers because the public perceives they are getting cheated by police, military, industrialists and members of the ruling party, which are the only remaining supporters. The populace is vigilant in planning a resistance movement. Ultimately, the opposition overwhelms their oppressors.

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force. ― George Orwell.

Remember the number 43%. Hauntingly Similar.

At a glance, you will see how today’s 43% explosion in money printing. (Chart 1, up and to the right) follows the same trajectory as Rome’s 43% debasement. (Chart 2, down and to the right) Rome from 241 AD to about 274 AD debased the Denari from 48% silver purity to 5% silver purity. Rome was going broke and desperate to finance wars and other luxuries via deficit spending. What was destabilizing and alarming was the Denari had already lost half of its purchasing power because the first coins had 98 percent silver purity. This signaled to Roman citizens that everything was twice as bad. Inflation infected and ravaged her citizens. Rome’s policy of silver dilution (money clipping, debasement, debauchment, seigniorage) led to her collapse. This is just like the USA. In 2009 Americans were told Quantitative Easing round 1 would be “one and done.” We were told The Fed had tools, but many knew that only a constrained monetary system would guarantee a balanced budget.

Many scholars and everyday folk raised concerns ignored by mainstream reporting because they were hitting too close to the empire’s evil secret.

US foreign policy and meddling in 57 nations since World War 2 enriched munitions manufacturers, scientists at Dept. of Defense and Dept. of Energy labs plus war stock investors. This is welfare for the wealthy. Meanwhile, the inflation tax stole from everyone else. This war profiteering, plus countless other pork barrel projects, would yield severe consequences.

The parallels with Rome are ominous. Rome kept up with their wars with increased disregard for their people.

Today in the USA, the political class has outsourced most manufacturing. We have massive trade deficits. Our dominant industries are exporting printed currency, debt trap financing, military adventures, arms dealing, streaming services, the pharma-hospital syndicate, entertainment and over consumption.

Yes, the US has light manufacturing (mostly assembling parts made in China) agriculture, oil, gas, tech, healthcare, prisons and other natural resources, but most of these verticals are owned by very few corporations.

Mergers are acquisitions are at all-time highs. There are no grocery stores, just grocery chains. There are no hardware stores, just hardware chains. Same with office products, sporting goods, furniture, music, books, kitchen & bath, building materials, clothing, electronics, etc.

In the USA, independently owned retail can’t compete with the publicly traded mega corporations, so names like Lakewood Pet Store are disappearing. Just call it Petco.

Amazon, Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot, Lowes, and a few others grab 87% of all retail spending. This means everyone else has to fight for 13%. A minuscule piece of measly pie.

Follow me. I’m just pivoting back and forth between the next two graphics because they are identical in magnitude and meaning. First chart. US printing. Look inside the red circle below. An alarming 43% increase in money supply. 80% of the currency the US has ever printed happens in just two years. Nothing is backing this currency but the full faith and credit of the US government (that has a chain and ball of $31 Trillion debt plus $165 Trillion unfunded liabilities.)

Second chart. Rome’s debasement. 48% silver purity to 5% silver purity. Equaling a 43% dilution of silver purity. THESE TWO CHARTS HAVE THE PRECISE SAME IMPACT BUT HOPEFULLY NOT THE SAME RESULT.

Chart 1 - 43% increase in money supply graphic by financialunderground

Chart 2 - 43% debasement in silver purity

Circa 240 AD Rome's Denari diluted from 48 to 5 percent silver purity. Moving down 43% the same metric as US dilution past two years.

Western Civilization courses teach Rome collapsed for three main reasons:

  1. Due to her thirst for wars.

  2. Due to currency debasement / deficit spending.

  3. Due to unbridled political corruption.

Bread and Circuses.

Bread and Circuses refers to a preemptive Roman political strategy intended to address civil unrest with superficial appeasement. The Roman Senators staged bloody war battles in their impressive coliseum.

These coliseum games were lavishly brutal, complete with prisoners fighting jungle cats. Emperor Nero brought in 300 lions and 400 bears during a phase known as the 100 days of parties. These over the top performances went so far as to reenact sea battles by filling the coliseum with water then exhibiting large ships and naval warriors in violent clashes.

A Roman poet named Juvenal wrote the phrase Bread and Circuses. He wrote, “Rome was desperate to win over public approval, not by excellence in public service but by satisfying the most immediate or primitive needs of a populace, by offering a palliative (bread) and entertainment (circuses).”

Aside - Can you think of how this appeasement and distraction strategy fits today? The NFL, The NBA, Call of Duty, HULU, Netflix, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, NASCAR, Caged Fighting are just a few that popped into my brain. I fell for it today on Twitter.

Today US corruption is so rampant and blatant. The political class are not even hiding it.

Hunter Biden sex romp with under age girls.

Look at this flagrant JACKASS. Biden reportedly made tens of millions “brokering” energy deals in the Ukraine and in China. His lust for power and greed so blatantly obvious while he and his dad are so dismissive surrounding their shocking level of corruption.

US invades third world countries on premises that other nation’s leaders are corrupt and immoral but what would you call releasing the strategic oil reserves so your crime family can make multi-millions? This is beyond egregious. It’s pernicious conduct resorting to cheating, stealing and full on hedonism because his dad is the president. I think we’d all agree that engaging in drunken and drug induced orgies is not the character associated with the highest office in the USA.

Just a few years ago, the political class would hide their corruption. At least they’d wear suit and ties. In the 1980s a clever dance hit by Depeche Mode had the lyric “Profits taken in by a suntan and a grin.” The intent of the song was to convey that back then politicians were sneaky about their corruption, whereas now The Theft is Out in the Great Wide Open on Full display for anyone paying attention to see.

Where are today's diversions? Ukraine and China right?

Other diversions are:

-Roe vs Wade


-Civil War Statues

-Mail in Voting


-January 6th show court

-AOC’s wardrobe

-Tiki Torch Parades

-Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom

-Transgender swimming competitions

-Which Kardashian is a size queen?

-Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars

-What did Lauren Boebert tweet?

-What’s going on with Johnny Depp?

Plan for What is Next.

Get out of the system.

The system is fiat currency.

Silver & Gold are immune to the largest counter party risk that has ever existed.

Your own government!


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