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Silver Supply Nonexistent vs. Monstrous Industrial & Investment Demand. The Challenge for Miners.

There are numerous reports from various sources evaluating the use of silver. Industrial -

Silver is a versatile metal with a wide range of industrial applications. It is used in a variety of products, including:

  • Electronics: Silver is used in a variety of electronic devices, including batteries, solar cells, and printed circuit boards. It is a good conductor of electricity and heat, and it is also resistant to corrosion.

  • Photography: Silver is used in photographic film and paper. It is a good light-sensitive material, and it can be used to create images that are both durable and beautiful.

  • Medical devices: Silver is used in a variety of medical devices, including catheters, surgical instruments, and dental fillings. It is a good antimicrobial agent, and it can help to prevent the spread of infection.

  • Industrial catalysts: Silver is used in a variety of industrial catalysts. It can be used to speed up chemical reactions, and it can also help to improve the efficiency of these reactions.

  • Water purification: Silver is used in water purification systems. It can kill bacteria and other microorganisms, and it can also help to remove impurities from water.

  • Other applications: Silver is also used in a variety of other applications, including jewelry, silverware, and tableware. It is a beautiful and durable metal, and it is often used to create objects that are both functional and stylish. Silver and War Silver is used by defense contractors for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Weapon systems: Silver is used in a variety of weapon systems, including bullets, shells, and missiles. It is used as a coating on bullets and shells to improve their conductivity and reduce friction. It is also used in the construction of missiles to improve their guidance and control systems.

  • Electronics: Silver is used in a variety of electronic devices, including radar systems, night vision goggles, and communications equipment. It is used as a conductor in these devices to improve their performance and reliability.

  • Missiles: Silver is used in a variety of missiles, including cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and air-to-air missiles. It is used as a coating on the missile's nosecone to improve its radar cross-section and reduce its visibility to enemy radar systems. It is also used in the construction of the missile's guidance and control systems to improve their performance and reliability.

The use of silver in defense applications is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. This is due to the increasing demand for more sophisticated and reliable weapon systems and electronic devices.

The demand for silver in defense applications is also expected to be driven by the development of new technologies, such as directed energy weapons and hypersonic missiles.

The use of silver in defense applications is a significant factor in the global silver market. The defense sector is one of the largest consumers of silver, and it is estimated that the defense industry accounts for up to 20% of global silver demand. The use of silver in defense applications is also a major driver of silver prices. When the demand for silver from the defense sector increases, it can lead to higher silver prices.

Here are some specific examples of how silver is used in defense applications:

  • Bullets: Silver is used as a coating on bullets to improve their conductivity and reduce friction. This can help to improve the accuracy and penetration of the bullets.

  • Shells: Silver is used as a coating on shells to improve their conductivity and reduce friction. This can help to improve the accuracy and penetration of the shells.

  • Missiles: Silver is used as a coating on the nosecone of missiles to improve their radar cross-section and reduce their visibility to enemy radar systems. This can help to improve the survivability of the missiles.

  • Radar systems: Silver is used in radar systems as a conductor. This helps to improve the performance of the radar systems by reducing the amount of energy that is lost.

  • Night vision goggles: Silver is used in night vision goggles as a conductor. This helps to improve the performance of the night vision goggles by increasing the amount of light that is detected.

  • Communications equipment: Silver is used in communications equipment as a conductor. This helps to improve the performance of the communications equipment by reducing the amount of noise that is generated.

The use of silver in defense applications is a vital part of modern warfare. Silver's unique properties make it an essential material for a variety of weapons and electronic systems. The demand for silver in defense applications is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, as new technologies are developed and the global security landscape becomes more complex. Summary

The demand for silver in industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. This is due to the increasing use of silver in new technologies, such as solar cells and batteries. The demand for silver in jewelry and other decorative items is also expected to remain strong.

The supply of silver is limited, and it is not expected to keep pace with demand in the coming years. This is likely to lead to higher prices for silver.

Silver is a valuable metal with a wide range of industrial applications. It is a good conductor of electricity and heat, it is resistant to corrosion, and it is a good antimicrobial agent. The demand for silver in industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, and this is likely to lead to higher prices for silver.

  • Increased demand from industrial sectors: The demand for silver from industrial sectors, such as electronics, solar power, and photography, has been growing in recent years. This is due to the fact that silver is a valuable material with a number of unique properties, such as its conductivity and reflectivity.

  • Declining mine production: The global mine production of silver has been declining in recent years. This is due to a number of factors, such as the depletion of existing silver mines and the high cost of exploration and development.

  • Increasing investment demand: The demand for silver from investors has also been increasing in recent years. This is due to the fact that silver is seen as a safe haven asset and a hedge against inflation.

The global silver market is in a state of deficit. This means that the demand for silver is outstripping the supply, which is driving up the price of silver.

In 2022, global demand for silver was 1.24 billion ounces, while supply was only 1.00 billion ounces. This resulted in a deficit of 237.7 million ounces, the largest deficit since 1999.

The demand for silver is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, driven by the growth of the global economy and the increasing use of silver in new technologies. This is likely to put further pressure on the silver market and could lead to even higher prices.

Monetary Metal - Silver is The Anti-Dollar Solution Silver is being hoarded by China, India, and Russia (and other BRICS+)as part of a strategy to combat the US dollar for a number of reasons.

  • First, silver is a valuable asset that can be used as a hedge against inflation. As the US dollar loses value, silver can be used to preserve wealth.

  • Second, silver is a scarce resource. The world's known silver reserves are limited, and this scarcity makes silver a valuable commodity.

  • Third, silver is a politically independent asset. Unlike the US dollar, which is subject to the whims of the US government, silver is not controlled by any one government.

These factors make silver an attractive asset for countries that are looking to reduce their reliance on the US dollar. By hoarding silver, these countries can protect themselves from the risks of inflation and economic instability.

In addition to these reasons, China, India, and Russia are also likely motivated by the fact that silver is a relatively inexpensive way to accumulate wealth. The price of silver is much lower than the price of gold, making it a more accessible asset for these countries.

The hoarding of silver by China, India, and Russia is a significant development that could have a major impact on the global economy. If these countries continue to accumulate silver, it could lead to a shortage of the metal and drive up prices. This could make it more difficult for the US to maintain its status as the world's reserve currency.

It is important to note that there is no consensus on whether or not the hoarding of silver by China, India, and Russia is a deliberate strategy to combat the US dollar. Some experts believe that these countries are simply accumulating silver as a hedge against inflation and economic instability. Others believe that these countries are deliberately trying to weaken the US dollar and reduce its global dominance.

Regardless of the reason, the hoarding of silver by China, India, and Russia is a significant development that could have a major impact on the global economy.

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Supply vs Demand, 5th grade Economics Lesson

  • In 2022, global demand for silver was 1.24 billion ounces, while supply was only 1.00 billion ounces.

This resulted in a deficit of 237.7 million ounces, the largest deficit since 1999.
  • The mandated initiatives of NetZero emissions by 2050 is all about silver in solar panels, EVs, and all the batteries to store electricity

  • Since the Global West is starting to decline (pattern shift that happens everytime in history, i.e. Portugal fell to Spain who fell to Dutch who fell to England who fell to US)

  • Now we see emergence of BRICS

  • During this big shifts in history War intensifies as the dominant system (US Reserve Currency goes down swinging, remember US has largest military complex world has ever suffered under)

  • Saudi Arabia, a crucial player in the US-led world order. Saudi Arabia is the keystone of the petrodollar system, which has underpinned the US dollar since Nixon removed its last links to gold in 1971.

In a matter of weeks, Saudi Arabia has:

1. Restored relations with Iran.

2. Restored relations with Syria and welcomed it back to Arab League.

3. Supported multiple OPEC+ oil production cuts against American wishes.

4. Announced an end to the war in Yemen.

5. Agreed to sell oil in other currencies.

6. Decided to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Silver Mining is almost non-existent relative to industrial and monetary silver demand

The Pickaxe was one of the first to sound the alarm that mining operations in places like Mexico (World's #1 silver mining jurisdiction) would be a MAJOR ISSUE - In fact this is our Pinned Tweet dated April 22, 2023

Mexico Bans open pit silver mining.

Mexico's Environment Ministry (Semarnat) announced on June 13, 2023, that it would no longer grant new permits for open-pit mining projects. The decision was made in response to concerns about the environmental impact of such operations, as well as the potential for social and economic disruption.

Open-pit mining is a controversial method of extracting minerals that involves excavating large areas of land. This can have a significant impact on the environment, including water pollution, air pollution, and habitat destruction. Open-pit mining can also lead to social and economic problems, such as displacement of communities and loss of jobs.

Semarnat's decision to ban open-pit mining has been welcomed by environmental groups, who have long argued that the practice is harmful to the environment and communities. However, the mining industry has criticized the decision, arguing that it will harm the country's economy.

This ban will be a monstrous death blow to supply while the demand side is revving up into overdrive

Mexico is a major producer of silver, gold, and other metals, and open-pit mining is a significant method of extraction. However, the industry has been facing challenges in recent years, including a decline in prices and increased competition from other countries.

The ban on open-pit mining is a significant policy change for Mexico.

The ban on open-pit mining is part of a broader effort by the Mexican government to protect the environment and promote sustainable development. The government has also announced plans to phase out the use of glyphosate, a controversial herbicide, and to create a national system of protected areas.

context to the Hunt brothers history

A big point to make is that the US govt had to dump its strategic stockpile of silver on the market to stop the Hunt brothers. Modern rigging relies on high frequency trading which was not possible at the time due to technology for that practice not existing in 1980-81. This cannot be repeated due to a depleted strategic stockpile. - illuminated ape

Download 60 page report from Dept of Defense Inspector General


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