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Drain The Mint is the Best Way to inflict Pain on Banksters & Federal Reserve. SilverSqueeze 2.0

Our thesis is simple as 1,2,3. 1. #DrainTheMint is Silversqueeze 2.0.

2. #DrainTheMint is Far Superior over Drain the Comex (which was the WSS silversqueeze which flamed out in total disgrace.)

3. So let's discover together why #DrainTheMint is Most Superior over Drain the Comex (or Why silversqueeze 2.0 is better than the failed silversqueeze) ?


Silver is on the brink of extinction. According to USGS (United States Geological Society), we could run out of Silver for computers, mobile phones, other electronics, industrial uses, transition to NetZero (electric vehicles, batteries, solar panels) jewelry, sovereign coins, bullion, and investment as early as 2025 and be completely out by 2034.

According to the World Silver Survey 2023 by the Silver Institute, the silver market has been in deficit for the past two years. The deficit in 2022 was 237.7 million ounces, and the deficit in 2023 is forecast to be 142.1 million ounces.

The main reasons for the silver deficit are:

Increased demand

  • Demand for Silver has been rising in recent years, driven by various factors, including the growth of the solar and wind energy industries, which use Silver in their components.

  • The increasing use of Silver in electronics, such as smartphones and laptops.

  • The growing popularity of Silver as a hedge against systemic risk and inflation.

Lower mine production

  • Silver mine production has been declining in recent years due to many factors, including:

  • The rising cost of mining silver. (This is the Profitable Silver Returned on Energy Invested (PSoEI) formula.)

  • The increasing environmental regulations on mining.

  • Mexico just banned open pit silver mining and Mexico has historically been the World's #1 silver producing country.

Ore quality in the 1940s (Idaho for example) was 44 ounces per ton yield compared to under 1 ounce per ton yield. See where it went from 43 to 3.8 from 1937 to 1989. Well now in 2023, miners are lucky to get 1 ounce per ton plus open pit mining is banned in places like Mexico (World's #1 Silver producing Country.)



Grand Total 379.8 Million ounces just for past two years.


And this does not capture what is the bombshell you will read below in adding up what militaries and weapon systems use in silver load.

Now let us add three more compelling deathblows to our silver setup (on top of combining the aforementioned USGS reports plus The Silver Institutes' last two reports (showing monstrous supply deficits).


Fact 1: Only 1/2 of 1 percent of the population believes in stacking. This is because institutional investors (insurance funds, pension funds, hedge fund managers) don't invest in gold and Silver. After all, brokers can not "churn" these assets for high commissions compared to other financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. This means for those who have been wise enough to stack they are positioned before the fear trade kicks in. (but at that point silver will be unobtanium)

FACT 2 - BRICS are hoarding gold and Silver as a strategy to fight US Dollar hegemony (All central bankers and their client countries have been printing, especially Japan, UK, ECB, and USA)

FACT 3 - With all these enormous silver supply deficits, no one still discusses Silver's use as a strategic metal in warfare.

Every geopolitical expert understands that when significant world power shifts occur (such as Portugal falling to Spain, Spain falling to the Dutch standard, the Dutch falling to the British Pound, and the British falling to US Dollar); these transition times drastically increase warfare.

It's not like the dominant power rolls over for the new World leader, which explains the 57 undeclared wars US has waged upon the World—all intended to prop up the US dollar as the World's Reserve Currency.

A Closer Look.

How much Silver do you think the militaries of the world use?

Probably 20% of All Silver Used, Maybe Higher.

None of which is "on the record."

NO ACCOUNTABILITY OR RECORDS KEPT. Has The Silver Institute Been Asleep for past Decade?


Remember that all things related to war are top secret.

The silver inventories are hard to compile because many topics surrounding the Dept of Defense and Dept of Energy are shrouded in secrecy under the catch-all "national security." Just like no one knows how much gold is in Fort Knox the US never discloses how much Silver they use in war but we have an idea.

The use of Silver in defense applications will keep growing in the coming years due to the increasing demand for more sophisticated and reliable weapon systems and electronic devices.

The development of new technologies, such as directed energy weapons and hypersonic missiles, drives the demand for Silver in defense applications.


The use of Silver in defense applications is a significant factor in the global silver market. The defense sector is one of the largest consumers of Silver, and the defense industry accounts for up to 20% of global silver demand.

The use of Silver in military equipment is the one chief reason why silver prices are intentionally suppressed (Besides short selling, paper swaps, and various illegal / dirty tricks by bankers ( all while Government regulators turn their heads.)

If the military is the largest user of Silver, why would they want expensive manufacturing input costs? They wouldn't.

And wait til you read below just how much Silver is used by all the World's military and police forces.

We've written about this before. Silver users or industrialists who rely on silver hate high silver prices.

Elon Musk owns a solar, rocket, tech, battery, and EV you think he wants high silver prices? Absolutely NOT

Industrialists and militaries thrive off cheap raw materials. This is why Elon moved his TSLA manufacturing to China; this is why iPhones, Nikes, Disney Toys, Laptops, the Gap, Addidas, and most textiles are all made overseas, precisely for cheap raw materials and labor.

We don't make steel in Pittsburgh, tires in Akron, etc.

So, let's dive deep into how much Silver is used in war. You will begin to see why Silver (as a factory input) is a managed commodity—managed or manipulated artificially to make building weapons cheaper. War is the way history moves; it is the way maps are redrawn, the way that resources are distributed, the way foreign trade rules are established, and the way the winner decides who gets what, when, where and how.

Here are some specific examples of Silver's use in the defense industry:

  • Bullets and shells: Silver is a good conductor of electricity, which makes it ideal for use in primers and percussion caps. It is also resistant to corrosion, making it a good choice for bullets and shells exposed to harsh environments.

  • Missiles: Silver is used in the guidance systems of missiles, as it is a good conductor of electricity and heat. It is also used in the batteries that power missile systems.

  • Radar: Silver is used in the radomes of radar systems, as it is a good reflector of radio waves. This allows radar systems to detect objects at long distances.

  • Night vision goggles: Silver is used in the photocathodes of night vision goggles, as it is a good conductor of electricity and light. This allows night vision goggles to amplify the available light so that objects can be seen in the dark.

  • Communication: Silver is used in the contacts of electronic components, as it is a good conductor of electricity. This allows for reliable and efficient communication between military personnel.

  • MX nuclear LGM peacekeeper missiles: Silver is used in the batteries that power the MX nuclear LGM peacekeeper missiles. These batteries are designed to last many years, even in the harsh conditions of space.

Silver is also used in various other military equipment, such as gun sights, sensors, and generators.

Its conductivity, reflectivity, and resistance to corrosion make it an ideal material for use in a wide range of military applications.

Here are some more details about how silver is used in each of these weapons:

  • Bullets and shells: Silver is used in the primers and percussion caps of bullets and shells because it is a good conductor of electricity. When the primer is struck, it creates a spark that ignites the gunpowder, which propels the bullet or shell out of the gun. Silver is also used in the jackets of some bullets, as it is resistant to corrosion and can help improve the bullet's accuracy.

  • Missiles: Silver is used in the guidance systems of missiles because it is a good conductor of electricity and heat. The guidance system uses electricity to send signals to the missile's fins, which help keep the missile on course. Silver is also used in the batteries that power missile systems. Silver is well-suited for this application because these batteries need to withstand a lot of heat and vibration.

  • Radar: Silver is used in the radomes of radar systems because it is a good reflector of radio waves. The radome is a protective cover that surrounds the antenna of the radar system. It is made of a material reflecting radio waves so the antenna can send and receive radio waves without interference. Silver is a good choice for this application because it is a good reflector of radio waves and is also resistant to corrosion.

  • Night vision goggles: Silver is used in the photocathodes of night vision goggles because it is a good conductor of electricity and light. The photocathode is a light-sensitive element that converts light into electricity. This electricity is then amplified by the night vision goggles so that objects can be seen in the dark. Silver is a good choice for this application because it is a good conductor of electricity and light, and it is also resistant to corrosion.

  • Communication: Silver is used in the contacts of electronic components because it is a good conductor of electricity. This allows for reliable and efficient communication between military personnel. Silver is also used in the connectors of electronic cables, as it helps to ensure that the cables are properly connected.

  • MX nuclear LGM peacekeeper missiles: Silver is used in the batteries that power the MX nuclear LGM peacekeeper missiles. These batteries are designed to last many years, even in the harsh conditions of space. Silver is a good choice for this application because it is a good conductor of electricity and corrosion-resistant.

The US Navy is the biggest user of silver batteries, but the MX missile system would need 35 million ounces of silver for its batteries. (See the graphic below indicating up to 17.5 Million ounces for this one system.)

Now do you see why the US won't disclose silver inventories?

This is only US military.

But The USA is not the only nation with Nukes right? You remember the old scare words "Nuclear Proliferation" bet you studied this in 6th grade? I did and I'm still scared.

Below are the countries in the world that have nuclear weapons, along with some details about their nuclear arsenals:

  • Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 5,977 warheads.

  • United States has the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 5,428 warheads.

  • China has the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 350 warheads.

  • France has the fourth largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 290 warheads.

  • United Kingdom has the fifth largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 225 warheads.

  • Pakistan has the sixth largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 165 warheads.

  • India has the seventh largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 160 warheads.

  • Israel is estimated to have 90 nuclear warheads, but the exact number is unknown.

  • North Korea is estimated to have 40-50 nuclear warheads, but the exact number is also unknown.

  • Plus we know all these countries also have goggles, bombs, shells, bullets, tanks, radars, communication devices, et al.

These numbers are estimates, and the actual number of nuclear warheads possessed by each country may be higher or lower. Additionally, some countries, such as Israel, have not officially acknowledged their nuclear weapons program, so the exact number of warheads they possess is unknown.

Remember how long the Arms race has been in existence? I will refresh your memory.

And with each passing escalation era as listed below, there's that much more undisclosed silver being used.

Here are some specific dates that mark the beginning of the arms race:

  • 1906: The United Kingdom begins building the Dreadnought-class battleship, which triggers a naval arms race with Germany.

  • 1943-1945: Manhattan Project in Los Alamos NM, USA

  • 1945: The United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

  • 1949: The Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb.

  • 1952: The United States tests the hydrogen bomb.

  • 1957: The Soviet Union launches Sputnik, the first artificial satellite.

  • 1962: The Cuban Missile Crisis brings the world to the brink of nuclear war.

  • 1972: The United States and the Soviet Union sign the SALT I treaty, which limits the number of nuclear weapons that each country can have.

  • 1991: The Soviet Union collapses

  • Then there have been over 350 regional wars since 9-11

Let's face it, there isn't any silver to speak of, is there?


Strategic Silver Reserves. Silver and War.

A sad sad story of Lying, Cheating and Stealing. The use of Silver in defense applications is a vital part of modern warfare. Silver's unique properties make it an essential material for various weapons and electronic systems. The demand for Silver in defense applications will continue to grow in the coming years as new technologies are developed and the global security landscape becomes more complex and violent.

Just like Biden drained the SPR as a stunt to smash down oil prices for political and "national security" reasons this has happened recently in US History with Silver.

US government, Central Bankers and other market riggers mess around with manipulation and draining strategic stockpiles of silver.

In the early 1980s, the Hunt brothers, a wealthy American family, began to accumulate large amounts of silver. They believed that the price of silver was going to go up, and they wanted to profit from it. As they bought more and more silver, the price of the metal began to rise.

The U.S. government was concerned about the Hunt brothers' actions. They feared that if the Hunt brothers were able to corner the silver market, it would interfere with their age old plans to manage silver. After all, if the working class could use silver for trade why would they buy into the fiat currency lie? In order to prevent this from happening, the government began to sell silver from its US strategic stockpiles.

The government sold silver at a discounted price, which helped to drive down the price of the metal. This had the effect of offsetting the Hunt brothers' buying spree. The Hunt brothers were eventually forced to sell their silver at a loss, and the government was able to stave off a squeeze and keep their shenanigans ongoing.

The episode with the Hunt brothers and the U.S. government is known as the Silver Thursday crisis.

It occurred on January 27, 1980, when the price of silver crashed. The Hunt brothers were unable to meet their margin calls, and they were forced to sell their silver at a loss. This caused the price of silver to plummet, and it led to a panic on the commodities markets.

The US government intervened in several ways to stop the Hunt brothers from cornering the silver market.

  • The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) issued a ruling that limited the amount of silver that any one entity could hold in futures contracts. This ruling effectively made it impossible for the Hunt brothers to continue their buying spree.

  • The US Treasury Department intervened in the market by selling silver from its own reserves. This helped to increase the supply of silver on the market and put downward pressure on prices.

  • The Federal Reserve also intervened by providing loans to banks that were facing margin calls from the Hunt brothers. This helped to stabilize the financial system and prevent a wider panic.

These interventions were successful in stopping the Hunt brothers from cornering the silver market. The price of silver plummeted on March 27, 1980.

The Silver Thursday crisis had a number of consequences. It led to the collapse of the Hunt brothers' empire, and it also caused the U.S. government to lose billions of dollars.

But the US government doesn't care about losing billions of dollars. To them, it's money well spent to keep up with the rigging game. It can be "papered over." Example - just look how much money goes missing in wars like Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan or the 57 other US undeclared adventures.

Afghanistan was 5 times more expensive than Vietnam with a pricetag of $2.3 trillion dollars according to Brown University's Watson Institute. All to replace the Taliban with The Taliban

Look at what's going on today with the money laundering in Ukraine.

Even economists like Dr. Mark Skidmore (while being an economics professor at Duquesne University) stated US government has a blatant disregard and special gift for misplacing, losing or missing money.

Skidmore estimates that the total amount of money missing from the government's books is about $21 trillion. This adds up Ben Norton has reported over 250 US secret military operations since 9-11. You've heard the stories about the $700 hammer and the $500 toilet seat right?

Catherine Austin Fitts, a former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development, has alleged more than $21 trillion dollars are missing from the U.S. government. She has based her estimates on an analysis of government documents, including the U.S. Treasury's records of government spending and receipts.

Here are some additional details about how the U.S. drained its silver stockpiles to offset the Hunt brothers:

  • The government sold about 600 million ounces of silver from its stockpiles between 1979 and 1980.

  • This was about half of the government's silver stockpile at the time.

  • The sales helped to drive down the price of silver and prevent the Hunt brothers from cornering the market.

  • The government's actions were controversial because it was seen as interfering with the principles of FREE MARKETS. After all this back story we get to our thesis: Why #DraintheMint is a better strategy than the failed Drain the Comex. Introducing SilverSqueeze 2.0


Editors note: some of this section below specifically DrainTheMint included research assistance from the illuminated ape (moderator of Reddit's SilverDegenClub that toppled over reddit's WallStreetSilver in January 2022.)


Why COMEX should Not Be the Target.

Just like last year's Nickel Futures debacle, no one knows what's going on over at the COMEX.

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) was transitioned to COMEX in 2008. The merger was controversial because it created a monopoly in the futures market for metals.

The CME and COMEX were two of the largest futures exchanges in the world. The CME traded a variety of futures contracts, including agricultural commodities, interest rates, and currencies.

COMEX traded a variety of metals futures contracts, including gold, silver, copper, and platinum.

The merger of the two exchanges created a monopoly in the futures market for metals. This meant that the CME was the only exchange where traders could buy and sell metals futures contracts. This gave the CME a lot of power, and it raised concerns that the exchange would use its power to manipulate the market.

The merger was also controversial because it was seen as a way for the CME to expand its reach into the metals market. The CME was already a dominant force in the futures market for agricultural commodities and interest rates. The merger with COMEX gave the CME a foothold in the metals market, which is a growing market.

The merger of the CME and COMEX was ultimately approved by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). However, the merger remains controversial, and there are still concerns about the CME's power in the metals market.

Here are some of the arguments against the merger:

  • The merger would create a monopoly in the futures market for metals.

  • The CME would use its power to manipulate the market.

  • The merger would give the CME too much power in the financial markets.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to approve the merger was up to the CFTC. The CFTC approved the merger which is no surprise since the US government loves to have an inside track on manipulation, managing, scheming and suppressing silver prices because silver is the antithesis to the US dollar.

SilverSqueeze 2.0 #DrainTheMint

Goes right to the Headline of this article

Drain The Mint is The Best Way to inflict Pain on Banksters & Federal Reserve. Much Better than Drain the Comex


  • The US tamped the price of Silver in 1980-81 after the Hunt brother’s attempt to corner the market (see above).

  • The US's strategic stockpile is currently depleted because of all the points outlined above. Silver used in warfare for example.

  • The US mint has to mint eagles to meet public demand.

  • The US mint cannot pay more than the spot price (unable to win bids at Sunshine mint for *planchets).

  • The Sunshine mint is the sole supplier of planchets at the moment that meet the unknown standards that the US Mint requires for their *planchets.

  • The US Mint is more vulnerable to a squeeze at the moment, and when confronted would have no counter.

  • It will force them to unrig the market or admit to a silver shortage which will cause worldwide panic and also be the very dream stackers have been waiting for...

  • Moreover, the US dollar will have much more serious problems on their hand such as losing US dollar hegemony.

  • There is no other option for the US Mint, and this is the reason for the high premiums.

  • It’s a complete bluff to avoid being unable to supply.

  • #DrainTheMint Campaign / Strategy is taking action and CALLING THEIR BLUFF.

How #DrainTheMint works in 2 minutes

An astounding quick video explaining #DrainTheMint

Video by Mike of RTD.NEWS ,


The video below goes over some explosive narrative between an illuminated ape, r/sdc founder #dumbmoneymedia, along with slides not in this article.

To serve the community best, this is the first article in a 5 part series. Many more videos and Pickaxe articles will reinforce the research reinforcing and aligning with this "never reported on" story.

We must remember we've been suffering under the bankster's price suppression. (Moreover, This is a call for Unity to Fight the The Federal Reserve's coercive plans to wipe out an entire class of people via the insidious inflation tax and our government's insatiable lust for blood and war profiteering.)

Silver represents the anti-dollar which allows everyone to trade outside the US military's thuggery, surveillance and satanic elitist agendas (military, industrial, corporate, financial, tech-industry)

Thinking & Trading outside the US dollar will Free Working Citizens from Wall Street Casino Insanity that Privatizes Profits and Socializes Losses.

Soon we will break off the chains of debt, inflation, taxation slavery with further enlightenment stemming from a liberating sensation like the Wizard of Oz refrain, "Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead."

Within three business days, we will condense our talking points into a 30-second reel so you can share it with your friends.

The best arguments are always made in the time it takes to ride an elevator ride.

Part I below,



article by Jon Forrest Little, Reddit/SilverDegenClub & the illuminated Ape.

#DrainTheMint is the intellectual property r/SDC Chief Banana Jammah and The Pickaxe © 2023, All Rights Reserved #DrainTheMint hashtag by Chief Banana Jammah - Follow Chief on Twitter @WallStShillers

Sources: Silver is on the Brink of Extinction, published by silverseek , by Jon Forrest Little

Divergences in Silver show Silver is Undervalued, published by Money Metals, by Jon Forrest Little

A Forecast of when we will run out of each metal by Visual Capitalist


Further evidence some due diligence by u/The-Canadian-Hunter

Research Methodology He keyword searched google and limited the search results to only military websites published within the last year.

DoD FY 2023 Budget Estimates show US Govt national stockpile is depleted and obtain #Silver on the open market for $30. Also mentions shortages!!!

Why is the COMEX spot price so much lower?

Proof that it is a rigged market.


What are Planchets? * Did you know? In silver minting, planchets are the blank disks of metal that are struck to create coins. They are typically made of 99.9% pure silver, and they are carefully machined to be the exact size and weight required for the specific coin being produced.

Planchets are made by melting silver and then pouring it into a mold to create a billet. The billet is then heated and fed through an extruder to form a long, flat strip of silver. This strip is then cut into blanks, which are the final shape of the planchets.

The blanks are then fed into a press, where they are struck with a die to create the coin's design. The pressure from the press causes the silver to flow into the die's recesses, creating the coin's raised design.

Planchets are an essential part of the silver minting process. They are the foundation upon which the coin's design is created, and they must be of the highest quality in order to produce high-quality coins.

Here are some of the factors that are considered when making planchets:

  • Purity: The planchets must be made of 99.9% pure silver in order to meet the standards of most coinage programs.

  • Size: The planchets must be the exact size and weight required for the specific coin being produced. This ensures that the coin will have the correct diameter, thickness, and weight.

  • Finish: The planchets must have a smooth, even finish in order to accept the coin's design. Any imperfections in the finish will be reflected in the coin's design.

Planchets are an important part of the silver minting process, and they must be of the highest quality in order to produce high-quality coins.


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