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One to the body, One to the Gut, One to the Skull. 1,2,3 BRICS Knock Out Combo to USA

Here is the 1,2,3 Punch. 1. People dropping US Dollar like Hot Potato

2. BRICS gaining momentum while US , Europe (err NATO) lose stranglehold 3. Russia's gold for oil program in full swing Dropping Dollar Like Hot Potato When economists say that people "dump" US Treasuries, they mean that they sell them off. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as if investors believe that the US government is not going to be able to repay its debt, or if they believe that there are better investment opportunities elsewhere.

When people sell US Treasuries, they are essentially selling dollars. This means that there are more dollars in circulation, which can lead to inflation. Inflation is a general increase in prices and a decrease in the purchasing power of money. It can be caused by a number of factors, including an increase in the money supply.

So, when economists say that people "dump" US Treasuries and those dollars come home to roost creating more inflation, they are saying that the sale of US Treasuries can lead to an increase in the money supply, which is the text book example of inflation.

Here's an example:

Suppose that the US government has issued $100 billion worth of US Treasuries. If investors sell off $10 billion worth of these Treasuries, this means that there are now $110 billion worth of dollars in circulation. This increase in the money supply can lead to inflation, as there is now more money chasing the same amount of goods and services.

Inflation can have a number of negative consequences, such as:

  • A decrease in the purchasing power of money, which means that people can buy less with their money.

  • An increase in the cost of living, which can make it difficult for people to afford basic necessities.

  • A decrease in economic growth, as businesses may be reluctant to invest or hire new workers due to the uncertainty caused by inflation.

As inflation gets out of control, it has a devastating impact on the economy.

What are BRICS doing to Challenge US DOLLAR?

BRICS countries are moving away from the US dollar and towards a commodity-backed monetary system.

For example, in 2014, Russia and China agreed to trade oil in rubles and yuan. In 2017, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) announced the creation of a new development bank, the New Development Bank, which will not use the US dollar.

However, it is important to note that there is no clear consensus on whether BRICS countries are actually exiting the US dollar and dumping treasuries. Some analysts believe that these countries are simply diversifying their currency reserves and that they are not necessarily trying to undermine the US dollar.

Others believe that BRICS countries are indeed trying to create a new monetary system that is not based on the US dollar.

It is still too early to say what the long-term implications of these developments will be. However, it is clear that BRICS countries are becoming more assertive on the global stage and that they are looking for ways to reduce their reliance on the US dollar.

Here are some of the reasons why BRICS countries may be moving away from the US dollar:

  • The US dollar has been losing value in recent years.

  • The US government has a large amount of debt.

  • The US government has been involved in a number of wars and interventions in recent years.

  • The US government has been criticized for its economic policies.

These factors have led some BRICS countries to believe that the US dollar is no longer a reliable currency. As a result, they are looking for alternative currencies to use in their trade and financial transactions.

A commodity-backed monetary system is a system in which the value of money is based on the value of commodities, such as gold or oil. This type of system has been used in the past, but it has not been widely adopted in recent years.

There are a number of advantages to a commodity-backed monetary system. First, it would make it more difficult for governments to manipulate the value of money. Second, it would provide a more stable store of value. Third, it would help to reduce inflation.

However, there are also some disadvantages to a commodity-backed monetary system. First, it would be more difficult to adjust the supply of money in response to changes in economic conditions. Second, it would make it more difficult for governments to finance their debts. Third, it would make it more difficult for businesses to plan for the future.

Overall, it is still too early to say whether BRICS countries will actually move to a commodity-backed monetary system. However, the fact that they are considering this option is a sign that they are no longer content with the current global monetary system. So what specific commodities are we talking about? Gold and Oil

Sergey Glazyev is a Russian economist who has proposed a new monetary system based on gold and oil. He argues that the current system, which is based on the US dollar, is unstable and unfair. He believes that a gold-backed monetary system would be more stable and would provide a more equitable distribution of wealth.


The details of Glazyev's proposal are as follows:

  • All oil sales would be priced in gold.

  • Countries would be required to hold a certain amount of gold reserves.

  • The value of the dollar would be pegged to the price of gold.

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) would be abolished.

Glazyev believes that this system would have a number of benefits. First, it would make the global economy more stable. Second, it would reduce the power of the United States. Third, it would help to distribute wealth more evenly. However, Glazyev's proposal has been criticized by Western analysts like BJ Milkshake Johnson. Apologists like Johnson are paid by US government to gaslight everyone saying it would be too difficult to implement and that it would lead to higher inflation.

They also argue that it would give too much power to Russia, which is the world's largest producer of oil.

Glazyev's proposal will be adopted. Remember Gazyev was the first person US sanctioned back in 2014 when US staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Remember this was also the time US stole Ukraine's gold

Back to Glazyev, Why did US sanction him? Glazyev wasn't an oligarch, military general or even a scum bag politician. He was an economist. Very interesting.

Over 75% of the World are dissatisfied with the current global monetary system and are looking for alternatives.

Here are some of the pros and cons of Glazyev's proposal: Pros:

  • More stable global economy.

  • Reduced power of the United States.

  • More equitable distribution of wealth.

Overall, Glazyev's proposal is a feasible one that would have a significant impact on the global economy. It is a sign that most people are dissatisfied with the current system and are looking for alternatives.

PART II (How NeoCons like Victoria "The bureaucrat" Nuland and Anthony "Blinks when Lying" Blinken are to blame)


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