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Close your Eyes, Go to Sleep. Everything is Fine.

Sunday August 7, 2022

by Jon Forrest Little

This article aims to lay out seven disturbing things going on with the Government and our domestic media.

First, there are hundreds of examples of how the media is failing in its duty to provide oversight and inform the public. Their role is to provide a service as an investigative check against corruption. But lately, they are paid instruments of propaganda, resorting to yellow journalism. Moreover, they confuse everyone by reinforcing Government overreach and are deeply involved in gaslighting tactics.

What are the seven disturbing trends?

  1. Government turns on its own citizens with heightened surveillance, bans guns, increases tax collection efforts, limits movement & freedoms. Ruling Class / Bankers promote and fund wars to steal all resources such as oil, food, gold while profiting off munitions. Empires often seize farmland to choke off food supply and to kill off villagers. Domestic media complicit in tax seizures, war, murderous acts by the State and their corruption by failing to report the disturbing news.

  2. US Government declares Emergency Powers when there is no emergency.

  3. Using a fake emergency as an excuse to seize absolute power. (Authoritarian / Tyranny)

  4. US Monetary policymakers are denying or redefining simple terms like recession and inflation.

  5. US domestic media "fact checkers" are losing all credibility with false reporting.

  6. What we've seen in the last 20 years is not laissez-faire free-market capitalism but Wall Street socialism based on a model of privatizing profits and socializing losses. An era of bail-outs, rigged trade & shadowy money in elections. An era characterized by Corporate interests aligning with government policy.

  7. Crickets from Mainstream Media RE: The World Economic Forum and their globalist agendas and promotion of degrowth or depopulation. Advancing policies such as seizing the farmland.

The quid pro quo being, Come party in Davos Switzerland (caviar, champagne, & rub elbows with the billionaires.) Your press credentials exchanged for complicity.


Everyone keep an eye on the Dutch Farmland and Farmer Resistance Movement. This is the biggest news story of the century ignored by our media.


The Ministry of Propaganda continues. Let's start with the name. The Inflation Reduction Act. Increasing the money supply by more than was spent on the TARP bail outs will kick our current record inflation into over-drive.

So the Inflation Reduction Act is really the Inflation Amplification Act. Remember the date, Sunday, August 7th. Yes, the US Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act on Sunday evening when they thought no one was paying attention. But unfortunately, this deceptive legislation added 87,000 IRS agents to harass the workers.

Look at the chart below. Close to 80% of the audits are on lower income households

Inside This Insane Legislation: IRS budget is currently $13.7 billion. Yesterday the Senate passed "the inflation reduction act" giving the IRS an additional $80 billion making IRS bigger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI & Border Patrol COMBINED 1. They closed down the country for a manufactured virus the US funded fact checked; NIH & EcoHealth Alliance developed Covid in Wuhan lab through gain of function research.

2. Kicking money printing press into over-drive, 80% of money ever printed in the last two years.

2. Now the USA government is coming for you to pay the bill and harass the populace with an alarming increase in audits. 3. But they won't audit the super wealthy as they have the loopholes, offshore accounts, inversions, shell companies, attorneys and accountants to hide behind.


US Government declaring Emergency Powers when there is no emergency.

A Pattern Shift in Messaging. Biden is Manufacturing an Emergency.

Below is a tweet from Joe Biden. It is incoherent messaging. US sanctions necessitated European nations to burn "dirty" coal instead of clean natural gas. So how can the US president dare talk about the climate?

From this press release Biden cries, "Let me perfectly clear, climate change is an emergency. And in the coming weeks, I'm going to use the the power I have as President to turn these words into formal government action."


bypassing Congress, bypassing debate, bypassing transparency

From Doomberg


Our Political Class has many ways to keep the workers from rising up.

-Virus lockdowns

-Climate Emergencies

-Turn off power grids

-US police forces have more firepower than almost any military in the world (see below)

Remember what defines an emergency. An emergency is something unexpected that suddenly arose. Whatever Biden is talking or tweeting about does not constitute an emergency. Climate change is not "unexpected." Climate change didn't "suddenly arrive."

So if lockdowns don't work to quell unrest, you can always haul out the police force. After all, they are on the government's payroll, right?

The USA is the world's largest military. China is 2nd. Guess who 3rd is? Most people guess that it is Russia. This is incorrect. US police forces are the 3rd largest.

Our Government Denying were in a recession.

Words certainly do matter. Recently we were told inflation is temporary. Then The Fed lied to the public by failing to disclose that inflation is the increase in the money supply. Instead of owning that they were printing money, they lied during press conferences calling inflation transitory.

Last week we hit two consecutive quarters of negative GDP, the standard definition of recession. Yet, the White House (press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre) and Janet Yellen took to the airwaves vehemently denying a recession.

Janet Yellen denying were in a recession on Meet the Press Sunday July 31, 2022

The most egregious of this week's inflation and recession denial was by San Francisco Fed President Mary Daly.

Mary Daly was inspired by Mary Antoinette's last words, "Let Them Eat Cake," before the mob in France chopped off her royal head.

How insensitive is this?

Can you say "Tone Deaf?"

Executive Branch using emergency orders. RED FLAG

Monetary Officials deny recession and inflation. RED FLAG

And this is the saddest thing I've ever seen. Watchdog groups that claim to be the arbiters of truth enable these criminals. Almost every legitimate financial publication reported that the Whitehouse was changing the definition of recession. But PolitiFact decided to defend POTUS with this bizarre ruling.


A Segue from criminal activity to terrorist activity.

World Economic Forum - Globalist Agenda by Elitists to promote DEGROWTH.

Ministers of Starvation.

How Fact Checkers are failing the public.

The World Economic Forum is a Non-Government Organization comprised of global elites like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Al Gore, George Soros, Mark Carney, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, NY Times, Washington Post, other MSM and dozens of other "young leaders."

They gather in Davos, Switzerland, and plan to advance initiatives to make the earth more acceptable to them. This includes degrowth.

Degrowth, defined by the World Economic Forum, is to reduce the Global population from eight billion to under one billion. We can only deduce that this kind of "degrowth" must include mass execution. Unfortunately, mainstream media report that opposition to WEF is mostly "conspiracy nuts," sounding the alarm that WEF and globalism are about mass starvation and vaccines that are lethal injections.

They fly into Davos in their private jets yet demand an immediate pivot to so-called ESG standards that worsen the planet.

Recently they have been making statements against farmers in Holland, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

They published their mission statement in 2016, including the infamous line, "You will own nothing and You will be happy about it."

There have been numerous Globalist groups before The World Economic Forum. Most have dissolved. If the media did their job they would shed light on the WEF's darkness instead of accepting their invites to Davos. Any decent reporter can connect the dots between the members and their agendas.

In all cases, the governing boards have enormous conflicts of interest, like sitting on boards such as Pfizer while legislating against the un-vaccinated. Before WEF, there were groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, The Club of Rome, and The Bilderberg Group; now, we have the WEF. Once again, they are a scary and sinister group encouraged by mainstream media organizations like PolitiFact.

The WEF pays for key media to show up in Davos Switzerland. So the reporters don't dare question their nefarious platform. Here is a typical headline from mainstream media paid to run interference for the WEF

Klaus Schwab has vowed to buy up all the farmland. Bill Gates has been busy purchasing farmland too.

Some Great News. There is Hope. Ordinary workers and citizens are waking up and will not allow the World Economic Forum Ruin Humanity. They will lose. Elitists and their agendas will be defeated because the people will not comply. The citizens will RESIST. The Great Reset is being replaced by The Greater Awakening.

Below is the response from PolitiFact on the WEF.

Their "fact check" is deceptive and off-topic. Fact checkers missed the point. They don't need their police force. They have the use of France, Germany, the US, Canada ( the NATO unfriendlies) to act as the WEF police force by proxy

PolitiFact has lost all credibility. This is the fact-checking firm that undeservedly won a Pulitzer for blessing the world with their trademarked TRUTH-O-METER™. So stupid, lame, and pathetic.

They should give back their Pulitzer. The TRUTH-O-METER™ is straight out of a Warner Bros or Looney Tunes cartoon. Based on the design intent, the Pulitzer belongs to Bugs Bunny or Wile E Coyote. Maybe "The PickAxe" should win the Nobel Prize in science for "introducing modes of transportation" like Rocket-Powered Roller Skates.

PolitiFact stole its business model from a website that was already up and running called


Those who have said "No More Mainstream Media Bullshit" outnumber the normies and sheeple. Mainstream media outlets like PolitiFact, CNN, Fox, and MSNBC are getting pulverized. They're hopelessly clinging to diminishing viewers and as the villagers run for the fire exits, their acts of desperation intensify.

Joe Rogan is one guy and a microphone. Rogan slaughters all of them in terms of viewers, engagement, or any media metric. It must be a bitter pill to swallow to realize that the host of "Fear Factor" is steamrolling over all your pseudo-journalistic ribbons and medals.

Why do political elections and debates need to be further deteriorated by self-appointed "fact checkers" and their misleading opinions? I would love to see the methodology they employed to dispute the overwhelming evidence. For example, There has been a massive uptick in fire plant fires.

Where's there is smoke...THERE IS FIRE.

Real fire, not the version of "cartoon fire" on their TRUTH-O-METER™

Check out the vast number of Food Plant Fires. It's Alarming.

A massive 4-alarm fire roared through the Taylor Farms food processing plant in Salinas California triggering the evacuation of the surrounding neighborhoods. A toxic ammonia gas release caused an evacuation.

It's laughable and pitiful when mainstream media hacks (the fact checkers) show up to cover elections, weigh in during low-rated political debates, and exaggerate nothing burger scandals, all while proclaiming themselves as the police of the internet.

I like the way WallStreetSilver handled this: (they took the internet police's badge and proclaimed it as a badge of honor) This is classic turn about genius. The silver stackers diffused the fact checkers big "gotcha" moment and leveraged it into some free publicity. Love when things like this backfire.
PolitiFact is the Jim Cramer of journalism. If you want to pick a stock you inverse Jim Cramer. If you want to get to the truth you inverse PolitiFact.

Nightmares instead of Sweet Dreams. Your Government sings you a deadly and disastrous lullaby.

Close your Eyes, Go to Sleep Little Babies ... Everything is Fine.


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