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RIP Jim Lewis. 10 More Court Docs. Kinesis Prevails.


Via Pixy Open Source Portal Sunday Sept. 17, 2023 court docs 1 through 10 - Monday Sept 18, 2023 court docs 11 through 20 - Tuesday Sept 19, 2023 court docs 21 through 31

This journal entry from PIXY starts with another data dump

His Defense attorney in King County Washington files motion that James Morrison should be treated with light punishment. (Which is ironic because Morrison on Twitter constantly pokes fun of anyone who doesn't maintain a masculine or Rugged Individualistic Persona) This is what he considers the Wall Street Silver brand of self-determination or "you made your own bed" political voice.

Morrison and his defense attorney appealing for Mercy

Telling a story to get sympathy is called appealing to pity or playing the victim. It is a rhetorical device that involves using a story to evoke feelings of sympathy or pity in the listener. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to gain an advantage in a negotiation, to avoid punishment, or to simply get attention.

From download #21

The defense is recommending a sentence at the low end of the range in this matter: 13 months in custody. We urge the Court to follow this recommendation, rather than the state’s midpoint recommendation of 15 months, on the basis that a sentence of 13 months is sufficient to account for Mr. Morrison's conduct and provide justice to the victims, while at the same time mitigating the impact of this case on Mr. Morrison’s family.

A 13-month prison sentence is quite significant for someone in Mr. Morrison’s position. Mr. Morrison has no criminal history and has never been incarcerated. Until recently, he had been living a normal law-abiding life; he was working, providing for his family, and not causing anyone any trouble. Over the last few years, Mr. Morrison has been going through some things that contributed to the poor decisions that he made in engaging in the conduct comprising this case. However, there is every reason to believe that his apprehension, prosecution, conviction and incarceration will have its intended impact: preventing any such future behavior.

The defense respectfully submits that there is no reason to believe that a sentence of 13 months versus 15 months is going to have a different impact on Mr. Morrison. He has never been through anything like this before, and it is having a significant impact on both him and his family. He has been assaulted at least twice while he has been in the King County Jail, and has been moved a number of times for his protection. It seems fair to expect that Mr. Morrison can expect more of the same when he arrives in the state prison system.

Further, regardless of the length of the sentence, with a conviction for extortion in the first degree on his record, Mr. Morrison will almost certainly never again be in a position to even try anything akin to his prior actions. He is going to have to find a new career and a new way to support his family. The people who will be most impacted by additional incarceration time for Mr. Morrison are his family. They need him back. While it is nobody’s fault but Mr. Morrison’s that he is not able to be there for his family, the fact is that they are suffering greatly without him. In the absence of additional efficacy from longer incarceration, it seems that little purpose will be served from a sentence of longer than 13 months. We therefore ask the Court to follow the defense sentencing recommendation.


Jim Forsythe of Kinesis Stands Up to Cowardly Jim Lewis

Political Cartoon of Jim and Ivan in "Broke the Back of Silver Community"


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