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Is Jim Lewis Really James "Jim" Morrison? We want you to Decide for Yourself

part 2 of 7 part series , edited by Xio D. Harmon, publisher of The

part 1 titled "Things Are Getting Worse for WallStreetSilver. Is Jim Lewis the Silver Version of Sam Bankman-Fried?" :: URL


  • Friday January 27 The Pickaxe breaks story "Things Are Getting Worse for WallStreetSilver. Is Jim Lewis the Silver Version of Sam Bankman-Fried?"

  • Monday January 30 ZeroHedge runs the story.

  • Tuesday January 31 is part 2 of 5 part series titled, "Is Jim Lewis Really Jim Morrison? We want you to Decide for Yourself"

  • Tomorrow may be a slow news day

  • Then on Thursday February 2, 2023 we will connect the dots and may have uncovered more crimes.

  • All these news articles are sourced from the PickAxe Self Publishing Tool found in our header and on the button above.

  • We are earnestly trying to find more evidence that this James "Jim" Morrison character and Wall Street Silver's Jim Lewis are not one in the same because we want this story not to be true for the sake of the precious metals community.

  • Please if you have reason to believe that others are posting in bad faith use the button above to SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT AND WE WILL PUBLISH ALL PROPERLY RESEARCHED EVIDENCE.


Be your own Detective. Step 1 - Step 2 - enter in case # 2020-CF-003667-A-O Step 3 - Ask yourself if this James "Jim" Morrison and Jim Lewis of WallStreetSilver are one in the same? Editors Note - We are beginning to experience sadness for the average Reddit user if they are struggling with the thesis of this article based on some comments we saw on Reddit. These comments are most definitely in the minority but like things go on the dumbed down internet, sometimes the stupider you are the more vocal you are or what is known as the "vocal minority vs the silent majority"

Many Jim Lewis bots are stating things like "but but but, read the affidavit!!!! his wife and boy stated he was a good father and charges were dismissed..."

Yes, this is true, but I'd like to direct your eyes to the headline of this story. In news, the headline is known as the focus of this feature article, and some of the Reddit apologists harbor feelings like no one else can be right but themselves. Maybe they feel stupid. Often in cases of people getting ripped off by a con, victims of the scam are so embarrassed expressing sentiments like, "How could I be so stupid?" so I believe this explains any apologist's behavior.

The headline reads, "Is Jim Lewis Really James "Jim" Morrison? We want you to Decide for Yourself." That is all we are indicating, not the merits of the case. We were not in the room nor do we care as long as everyone is safe.

It's just beyond bizarre and incredibly egregious for a self-proclaimed leader of a precious metals community to have an alternative identity. Alternative ideas are established by criminals to hide a criminal past.

Jim is working with companies that have endured the exhausting IPO process and gone public. And given the volumes of things that can go wrong in the arena of trust and Wall Street (Wolf Wall Street, The Big Short, Enron, GFC bail-outs, SAM BANKMAN FUCKING FRIED...we are hoping people can draw inferences that fraud or criminal acts do not belong in the world of finance.

The fact that this has to be explained has me extremely worried about some Reddit precious metals investors. Our school systems may be in very bad shape if there are such logic and judgment deficits.

Sure forgiveness, empathy and other reactions may be virtuous signs of emotional maturity but miners (the target of his scams) have relationships with the SEC and many jobs come from our mining industry. Putting all this at risk is pernicious conduct. Where is the sympathy for these families vs comments like "leave his family out of it." Regarding the unfortunate family victims, this information is on the web for anyone to view just like this article is on the web for anyone to view. I hope this clarifies things some.

Is Wall Street Silver's Jim Lewis really James "Jim" Morrison? We have received court records that Jim Lewis once went by the name of James "Jim" Morrison (no, not the singer of The Doors, that Jim Morrison died)

This James Morrison is alive and well and reportedly on his way to Guadalajara, Panama City, Cancun, or the Bahamas.

Remember, recently we had drawn parallels to Sam Bankman-Fried and Jim Lewis. Thus just to prove us wrong, cover his tracks or obfuscate the trail, we are betting James "Jim" Morrison, aka Jim Lewis doesn't pick the Bahamas.

James "Jim" Morrison aka Jim Lewis. Arrest Warrant, Aggravated Child Abuse (with a Weapon)

Charges in the attached image were dismissed based on affidavits from both his son (for whom the charges were filed) and his wife. So no one at the Pickaxe is saying James "Jim" Morrison is the notorious Jim Lewis of WSS. But the large volume of records, screenshots, weblinks, court docs and/or data submitted to The via the Self Publishing App is curated, edited then presented for you all to decide for yourself.

Given the preponderance of recent evidentiary pieces in this puzzle, the new owners of The Pickaxe ran this story.

Again, no one is saying this is 100% Jim Lewis, which is why the headline reads, Is Jim Lewis Really James "Jim" Morrison? We want you to Decide for Yourself.

RE "the charges being dismissed" We have reached out to child advocacy professionals, and we were told that "it is prevalent in the field of domestic violence for attorneys to reach these types of agreements when it is the perpetrator's first offense. Usually, charges are dismissed, or the offender is placed under probation and undergoes court-ordered "treatment."

Furthermore, "Dismissed charges do not mean that the incident did not occur but it could indicate that the lawyer has working relationships with the DA. This incident occurred during lockdowns when jury recruiting was incredibly challenging. Unfortunately, the criminal justice system is more about these types of arrangements, and many times these "dismissals" can lead to disastrous endings."


story leads being submitted on the Free Speech Self Publishing PickAxe Link


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