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Jim Lewis of Wall Street Silver. First Extortion, Next Stop Child Abuse. Is last step Jail or Worse?

Edited by Xio D Harmon -sourced by over 750 reports uploaded via the Free Speech App. Remember we had to launch the Free Speech App because Jim Lewis censored people questioning him.

NOTE _ Remember Jim and Ivan locked down their Reddit page in an attempt to re-write history.

Jim Lewis is so nervous, covering his tracks in a defensive panic over all the substantiated evidence reported in three recent Pickaxe articles.

Exhaustive evidentiary reports over WSS GoFundMe theft, censoring, plagiarising, defrauding miners, aggravated felony child abuse, and over 18 violent crime spree incidents and two extortion convictions.

In his desperation, it is like like an embezzler being surrounded by law enforcement caught burning evidence and shredding documents. Jim Lewis deleting tweets, covering his tracks, some days over 4,000 tweess deleted


Jim rushed to monetize a community but he broke every law on the books in his lust for money, power, fame and control. Let's learn more about James "Jim" Morrison aka Jim Lewis of WSS

Backstory Wall Street Bets caught lightning in the bottle. The WSB mission was organizing day traders in buying stocks that were shorted by GMA at AMC. The WSB movement gave rise to the term "meme stocks."

Then some WSB users discussed how Silver had been shorted for centuries, that silver stacking could also be an underloved asset primed for a squeeze, and that a syndicate of silver stackers could be a disruptive force to villains like JP Morgan and Central Bankers.

Wall Street Silver didn't have any intellectual property but did have good timing. These stories (this is part 5 of 7) have been about Wall Street Silver's inglorious fall from grace.

Jim and Ivan were, as of last week the Silver Darlings, but now as this story unfolds, people are running for the fire exits, and most people feel their entire scheme is within days of collapsing. Summary of past 5 articles not counting the Kinesis connection (still being revised)

  1. Original story.

  2. picked up by ZeroHedge.

  3. on Jim Morrison, aka Jim Lewis the Child Abuser.

  4. On asking precious metals experts to email Jim Lewis w/ urgency, "Pull my appearance off your fraudulent YouTube Channel."

  5. On Jim Lewis and two Felony Extortion convictions in several jurisdictions. Including significant jail time.

  6. Another ZeroHedge story ran tonight.

And each time we have reached out for a comment from Jim to tell his side of the story and his typical response is to cover his tracks, delete tweets and lock down his reddit page.

The first story outlines WSS egregious acts surrounding the following:

  • Misallocation of GoFundMe campaign. They promised to produce a transparent ledger, but when people started asking, "Show us the ledger," They blocked people from Twitter and banned them from Reddit.

  • Setting up a fraudulent advertising agency targeting silver miners. This movement was about encouraging a group of retail silver stackers to do "silver raids," and the goal was to buy so much Silver that it inflicted pain on the people short selling (bankers and industrialists that rely on cheap Silver as part of their factory inputs)

  • Censorship. We had just come out of covid lockdowns. We experienced big tech giants like google, FB and Twitter de-platforming brilliant physicians like Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Joseph Mercola and Robert Malone for commenting on the origins of covid or recommending treatments as fundamental as Vitamin C, Zinc or Melatonin.

  • Wall Street Silver typically ran content criticizing "Big Tech" for these authoritarian practices, yet Jim Lewis and Ivan B started censoring anyone questioning their theft of funds.

The second bombshell was when we discovered that Jim Lewis real name is James Henry Morrison. His criminal record from Windermere Florida is easy to research.

Be your own Detective.

Step 2 - enter in case # 2020-CF-003667-A-O

Ask yourself if James "Jim" Morrison and Jim Lewis of WallStreetSilver one in the same? Of course they are. Our legal department is 100% certain and no one on the internet to date has disputed the evidentiary pieces. In almost every article we've ran on this Jim Lewis / Ivan B fraud story we've asked readers to offer any defense of Jim and Ivan and we have not received one single piece of evidence conflicting our findings and reporting.

Sometimes the website is wonky so if entering the case number doesn't work just enter in the first name "James" and the last name "Morrison" then manipulate the date range between any 2015 date and todays date.

Then all the records will pop up. Click on all the links and start looking for this arrest warrant. The documented is dated Please remember this is not a mug shot. It is standard protocol to use a Drivers License photo on an Arrest Warrant. Also, the weight is inputted incorrectly, but if you look through other records, they do list his weight as 275 pounds not the incorrect 200 pounds as shown below.


Other ways to look up the case if the aforementioned is not working that day

You can either enter in the case number or enter in James Morrison and pick a starting date like in the 2014 year and ending date today Then look for this screen

Click on the 3/18/2020 record Warrant Issued Returnable Instanter

For warrants they use DL photos not mug shots

also, look up the wife's name that's all over the case records.

Funny because last week the Twitter and Reddit mob cried out "leave his wife out of it" and our defense was, "These are Public Records, not our reporting; if this offends you for whatever reason, please ask the court system in Florida to delete the wife's name, not The Pickaxe"

Also, there is reporting coming soon that his wife sets up trusts to launder his extortion funds, and there are more extortion or blackmail cases involving Jim than his two extortion convictions.

Now let's discuss why Jim worked so fiercely to cover his tracks.

Extortion by James H Morrison in multiple Jurisdictions. Yes, The Very Same Jim Lewis of Wall Street Silver

The pattern we are seeing is clear. Whether it is the theft and fraud with the Wall Street Silver community or his crime sprees across many US jurisdictions, Jim goes to a similar playbook. He always performs shoddy work in his role. He does this intentionally.

On Wall Street Silver's YT shows many believed Jim didn't know much about finance, geology, economics, geopolitics, systemic risk or precious metals. Yet he fashioned himself as an expert in these matters. Moreover, many viewers also noticed and commented that he had a chronic habit of speaking over or interrupting guests leaving for some awkward segments.

So what? He may be terrible at doing podcasts; that isn't a sin.

True, speaking of sin, here is where things get downright sinister.

In his role working "day jobs" (Costco, Nordstrom, Alvalar, Wolters Kluwer), he intentionally gets disciplined and fired quickly for being incompetent and not carrying out his job description.

We have established in previous articles that his low self-image is compensated for by his overconfidence and arrogance. It's like that saying, "tough people don't have to talk up a big game."

Never before seen behavior RE his obsession with accusing others of being child molesters and rapists.

During his crime sprees (over 15 years) He commonly threatens others by accusing them of being child molesters, pedophiles, or rapists.

We discussed this with some attorneys in the Seattle area working on the extortion case. Psychologists evaluating if Jim is criminally insane stated they could only think of two possible causes. First, a defense mechanism Freud called projection. Jim perseverates on accusing others of being "child molesters" or "child rapists." The criminologists consensus was "This is most likely linked to Jim's own deviant sexual acts. " Second, we will discuss further down in this article. We call it Jim's nuclear option.

Sex offenders. The disease for which there is no cure

These forensic psychologists report that chronic sex offenders are in a very sick group. A child sex offender is a disorder considered the most difficult to treat, and most were victims of sexual abuse themselves.

So in the case files surrounding the Seattle story, analysts believe this is a Freudian textbook example of projection? These psychologists stated that Jim is most likely projecting his moral deficits onto others.

In these same case files, Jim posted flyers around cities stating that his coworkers (innocent citizens) were child molesters.

The best example of textbook projection is when a husband comes home from work and accuses his wife of cheating on him, then it's discovered that the husband is the one having a love affair on the side.

When Jim calls others rapists (over 100 examples) the professionals in the Seattle case believed it was Jim who was most likely a perpetrator of sexual abuse, either a youth offender or an adult offender.

What other explanations did the Seattle forensic team reveal for this destructive behavior no one had ever seen before?

It goes to his extortion playbook.

He doesn't hold a gun to someone's head. It's much more powerful than a gun. This is such an outrageous and insane maneuver that he is banking that it will paralyze his victims. He knows that the laws surrounding child pornography or childhood sexual abuse are justifiably the strongest in the penal code. He is also aware of the taboo associated with sexually abusing anyone, especially kids.

Put it all together. Jim understands the stigma, taboo and associated penalties are very harsh. Jim crosses a line no one else would. He deals his imagined enemies (innocent people) "the death card" as a desperate maneuver to have his blackmail demands immediately met.

The sums of money he demands are astronomical, but with his YOU ARE A RAPIST "death card" backing his blackmail/extortion, he received many payoffs before finally getting caught.

At Wall Street Silver his advertising fees are 10 times the norm. The amount of fake accounts he creates are so he can show 10 times more followers. His ego runs 10 times the average person but most terrifying is that his response to problems are 1,000,000 times more severe.

He can't think critically so he resorts to violence to solve problems. Problems he has created. We see this in the treatment of coworkers and family members (where he allegedly beat his wife and children) and how he treated his advertising colleagues and his Reddit community.

He shows no empathy, remorse or sense of fair play. The more he is questioned or challenged the more he escalates.

He complains he doesn't receive his fair share of things and suffers from having an excessive sense of persecution.

In previous reports we have indicated that he has a profound Narcissistic personality disorder. This pathology is also coupled with extreme acts of deviant behavior and his financial crimes are second to no one.

Two Jobs in Washington. A trail of terror and a crime MO that fits his current business practices.

Avalara, his Bizarre Vandalism and Extortion was learned behavior. He deployed this precise crime methodology a few years earlier working for a Netherlands based company called Wolters Kluwer

  • At Alvalar he only lasts three months and there are 14 severe and bizarre incidents

  • A few years earlier at Wolters Kluwer he started with about 4 crimes and terrorized coworkers to the extent that the company cut him a $100,000 check just to provide safety to the community.

James’ employee badge picture while at Avalara. Avalara the only company out of 5 other companies that did not "cave into" Jim's extortion pattern. "Pay me large sums or I terrorize co-workers, managers and circulate fliers over your city that you are a child rapist." This image was sent in an email to every Avalara employee to warn that he was very dangerous and to call the police immediately on sight of James

What is Jim's biggest weakness. Believe it or not it wasn't theft of GFM, defrauding silver miners, extortion, child abuse but ultimately his Narcissistic personality disorder. We explain below.

Since we broke the story on Friday January 27 many thought the story was potentially damaging to the WSS brand. These original questions were:

  • Misallocation of GoFundMe.

  • Producing horrendous ROI for miners because he didn't have the reach he claimed. We had given this analogy.

  • Let's say the New York Times has a media kit claiming740,000 paid print subscribers, and 8.6 million paid digital subscribers. Then says the average reader has a household income of 120,000, 85% own their own homes and 79% hold college degrees. They use this media kit to then set what their advertising is worth precisely because brands like Audi, Apple, Gucci, Rolex and VRBO can message this elite demographic. But if New York Times really only had about 10% of these readers then their rate card would be 9 times more expensive than they should be

  • Censoring anyone who speaks out

  • Plagiarizing other people's work

  • Turning community goodwill into private revenue streams But really none of these things would necessarily bring down the brand forever. Most could be repaired but now its beyond repair given the court cases in Florida and Seattle area. It rally doesn't get much more pathetic than all the stories surrounding this very troubled character but Jim didn't care about getting caught RE Florida child abuse or even Seattle extortion. He also minimized all the bullet points above.

What's killing Jim the most goes to his goes to his narcissism. I just told you how Jim didn't have any professional knowledge in gold or silver. That's why he surrounded himself with guests like Doug Casey, Rick Rule, Lynette Zang, Alasdair Macleod, James Turk, Matthew Piepenburg, Egon von Greyerz, etc.

He packed the court with these brilliant minds.

It's like Jim got to play on a fantasy baseball team with baseball All Stars or spend a year on a rock and roll tour with Robert Plant, Jackson Browne, Peter Gabriel, and Dave Matthews. But what if all of a sudden Robert Plant stopped the song and turned to Jim Lewis and said, "Hey Mate, You Suck, Get off the stage"

This would kill him more than any other things mentioned in these articles.

And now dozens are writing to Jim and Ivan and say "Pull my segment from your channel." I admit I did start a campaign that urged people to go this route and many said "Isn't this cancel culture bullshit?"

I defended my position adamantly with "No, it was Jim who canceled anyone asking questions regarding accountability. It was Jim who canceled and deleted thousands of tweets. It was Jim who blocked and canceled everyone. It was Jim who banned thousands of users. Jim was the canceler in chief. I was just the one holding up a mirror.

This destruction of his ego (along with all the dominoes above) will be the final blow. He will forever be lumped in with a new group of people (Not Zang, Macleod, Casey, Turk, Piepenburg) but instead names like Enron, Sam Bankman-Fried, Fauci, Alex Mashinsky, Bernie Madoff, etc

Jim H. Morrison aka Jim Lewis, being infamous is a more fair outcome than him being famous.


Editors note - There are still volumes of paperwork, records, web links, screenshots and raw data to unpack.

Three more scheduled articles will start next Tuesday, February 7.

1. Is the follow-up to this extortion story.

2. Addressing some exciting and relevant questions people are asking. Like any industry, the precious metals community goes through intermittent skirmishes. But it is hoped they make us tougher. So many silver citizens are reaching out with excellent suggestions for coming out of this stronger. We are treating this like a learning moment.

3. I end with some positive vibes sent towards Jim. He has played a dangerous game, and some powerful people are super pissed at him. Some estimations are that he had around twenty clients and total ad agency revenue was estimated to be approximately $240,000.00 based on pumped-up bots, fake accounts all lead to disappointing advertising ROI. Call me an optimist, but there is a way where he can exit a gracious loser, get help and find another career path.

Once I complete this seven-part series, I will call him and offer some suggestions for reconciliation. But it is crystal clear, given the volume of feedback from powerful business interests, that the expectation is for him to resign unconditionally and ASAP.

The longer he tries to stay in power or deflect the worse it will be for him.

However, except for his advertising clients, most are willing to move forward as long as he gives up his role at WSS and agrees to get out of the precious metals business, including all ties to Kinesis, miners, SilverGoldBull, Sprott, YouTube and all the ancillary ventures that created this mess.

Of course Ivan B will need to be resigning ASAP too.

Apes together strong.


Special thanks to @DumbMoneyMedia and @ThHappyHawaiian and to the one and only SILVERDEGENCLUB, their moderators extremely critical part of these unfolding stories


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