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Nicole Southwick and the value of Customer Satisfaction

Our world is changing rapidly and the effective insurance agent pivots to be responsive to the increasing needs of the evolving customer base. Nicole Southwick has over 21 years of experience in the insurance industry and stands out as a highly effective executive while earning top marks for customer satisfaction. She makes herself available, not just when it is most convenient for her schedule but rather for her customer base.

Being available takes on many different forms. It could mean visiting with prospects and clients via Facebook Messenger or via text. Nicole is known for genuinely helping and caring about her clients and community. Rather than pushing the hard sell, she listens intensely to her clients, understand their needs, then uses a consultative process to match Farmers Insurance products with her client's insurance needs.

Laser Focus

The most successful independent insurance agents on this planet are highly focused. Nicole pays attention to the present moment and present tasks. Moreover, Nicole stays up to date with the latest developments in the insurance industry. Community Nicole is engaged in her community. She is an active participant in civic and community affairs because she understands that healthy schools, families and communities convey to the business world. Nicole Southwick - Customer Satisfaction Winner


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