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PHONES RING IN DONATIONS FOR NONPROFITS. Denver's mGive technology Helps Hurricane Harvey Victim

UPDATE - since this original report was written August 26th, 2017 Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas Gulf Coast creating the largest disaster to hit USA in decades.

Denver based mGive (a rally4 internet startup) is the tech company behind the text Harvey to 90999 campaign to raise money for The American Red Cross in $10 increments.



There are over 1.7 million nonprofit organizations registered in the United States. mGive, a Denver based digital marketing firm, offers tools that have transformed fundraising potential for these nonprofits. mGive seeks to help nonprofits spend more time expanding their cause and less time fundraising, by making fundraising easier than ever. A common scenario goes like this:

A nonprofit carries the mission to help homeless citizens. Their services include providing shelter, food, social work, job training and working with other community based agencies to better serve their clients.

Throughout this process they are busy writing grants,

preparing for site visits and overwhelmed with serving the physical needs of their clients, the growing homeless population. Moreover, the staff at the shelter are overworked with intake assessments and

delivering services to the homeless population.

The challenge almost every nonprofit faces is how to increase the awareness for their work and how to raise money to keep their doors open.

Increasing awareness involves utilizing press releases, email campaigns, social sharing and other modes of communication so the community remembers the nonprofit’s important services to the community. But that is just one side of the challenge. In addition to attracting new prospects, the nonprofit then has to convert this audience to donors. This takes a team of people that have backgrounds in marketing and development. However, many nonprofits primarily have staff from a background in sociology or psychology.

Nonprofits often can not risk hiring expensive marketing people to do the work necessary to stand out in a fiercely competitive fundraising environment. mGive offers proprietary digital marketing programs designed to alleviate this stress, by making digital marketing easier than ever before.

Nonprofit clients large and small can tap into a robust suite of mGive services. mGive works directly with the nonprofit's administrative staff, and in cases where there are shortages of admin staff, mGive's team can also fulfill marketing, development and PR functions.


Earthquake in Haiti

In early January of 2010, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked Haiti. It was the most devastating earthquake in our hemisphere, and mGive sprung into action. In partnership with the red cross, they launched a campaign asking people to text the word HAITI to 90999 to give $10 instantly raising desperately needed funds for the Red Cross heroes to provide food, shelter and medicine to earthquake victims. The world answered: in just three weeks, the campaign had raised over $40 million.

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day is an annual telethon, helping to raise funds for programs focused on 5 key initiatives: Immunizations, Mental Healthcare, Education, Domestic Violence, and treatment of Malaria. mGive powered a text to give campaign throughout the entire Red Nose Day telethon. The campaign promoted mobile phone patrons to text the word GIVE to 80077 to donate $10 to Red Nose Day. In 2017, Red Nose Day raised over $500,000 in text message donations.

There are hundreds of other campaigns they have initiated with their non profit clients, some receive national attention, the majority of their work, however, is scaled to the client's needs within the community.


Please allow me to digress with a pop culture analogy that helps explain media strategy. The masters of marketing do this everyday. Consider the release of the cartoon "Despicable Me" by Universal Studios. The kickoff campaign blasts off with the launch of Minion toys inside Happy Meals (McDonalds) Meanwhile Despicable Me Mineez™ are sold at Target. Then come the branded plastic cups, followed by the TV blitz and web campaign. All these media forces work in concert to guarantee that your 6 year old will relentlessly remind parents not to miss out on the actual theatre showing.

mGive works in a similar fashion in terms of having a strategic system of planned attack plan. They work with their non profit clients to roll out a sequence of campaigns that raise awareness and funds for the nonprofit.

They have a marketing strategy that combines leading email service providers like mailchimp with best-in-class platforms for social sharing & web content. Many marketers have a similar strategy. What makes mGive better than most is they deploy the secret sauce which is a thematically specific mobile marketing push which reinforces these channels while injecting urgent action from the public. People open their text messages at a rate of 98% ,whereas emails alone may hover around a 19% open rate.


Nonprofits focus on the needs of their clients first. In order to remain open, they need funds. mGive is there to assist with fundraising by deploying the best digital technology available.

To learn more and get started, click below to schedule a demonstration.


GOLD MEDAL WINNER Media & Technology mGive


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