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Mail Call, Order Confirmations, Silver Stacks. SILVER DEGEN CLUB Discretionary Spending, New Highs.

On January 27, 2023 Wall Street Silver Collapsed. wrote a series of 4 articles linking Jim Lewis to:

  • Stolen GFM

  • Creating a bogus ad agency targeting vulnerable Jr. Miners

  • Using click farms and bots to create a phony community

  • Taking monstrous donations like 53,000 from Kinesis and improper distributions within silver promotions

  • Censoring members who questioned "Ivan's ledger"

  • Then we found out that Jim Lewis was really James "Jim" Morrison connected to Child abuse /domestic abuse in Florida and multiple accounts of extortion in Washington Meanwhile Dumbmoneymedia started a new sub called r/SilverDegenClub full of creative artists that ran mostly memes mocking Jim, Ivan & Kinesis. But this took off and served as a therapeutic outlet as many WSS loyalists started seeing the same patterns of tyranny by a Jim and Ivan who had locked down the group, wouldn't tolerate any feedback and dodged questions of why they hijacked the goodwill of the community for personal gain.

Now the r/SDC mushroomed into not just mocking memes but the "go to" for due diligence. Ditch the Deep State and other legends had a home for their research and there was a new enthusiasm for silver stackers.

The purpose of this article is to over some buying behaviors within this new group based on averages. Polling and content analysis. R/SDC members:

  • 67% of members own their own home

  • On average, a majority of members are 37-year-old men

  • Middle to Upper-Middle class income with the median being $73,500 annually

  • 31% have attended some college, 40% are undergraduates, and 15% postgraduate

  • 14% of their discretionary income is applied to precious metals (silver majority)


Typical order is over $1,450.00

The one below significantly above that.

What is Mail Call?

Mail Call is when the "apes" post photos of what gold and silver arrived in the mail. Normally between the funding of the order and receiving an order is about 5 business days on average. Often there are videos of people opening the box or memes of a husband "not telling" his wife about his gold and silver orders.

Posting silver photos in general creates some group excitement, enthusiasm, competition and it becomes obsessive and contagious.

Often times an ape will post something snarky to describe the photo with punch.


  • Wall Street Silver collapsed due to theft, lack of transparency and stealing the goodwill of a community for personal gain

  • has emerged with new rules such as all giveaways happen live like reading lottery balls on TV at a pre-determined time

  • R/SDC numbers are real, thriving and organic vs bots and paid click farms

  • R/SDC consists of better content, low effort posts are not allowed.

  • R/SDC memes are credited by the artist, often watermarked

  • R/SDC members are energized and as we enter this new era of currency debasement they are stacking silver at a clip we haven't seen since the first weeks of "silver squeeze" 2021

We want you to join us and welcome your energy


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