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Lessons Learned from the Eclipse. Unity and Humility.

On August 21, 2017, the Moon casted its shadow (the umbra) on the United States as it passed between the two celestial bodies. This was the most observed, photographed, studied and perhaps most appreciated astronomical event in recent history.

Overall people were stunned by the sight into an eerie silence. I heard the event described like the act of falling in love. Only those who have can describe the experience. I heard radio reports of folks feeling goosebumps or statements on how insignificant one life may be compared to the relative power of nature. In terms of viewing the eclipse I waited for the 11:47 primetime viewing. I decided to skip obtaining glasses so I could visit with neighbors. This is the type of event where the normal social norms of being skeptical of strangers seems to temporarily fade. I went to the nearby corner of Hampden and Yosemite and found four beautiful women and they were happy to loan me their eclipse glasses. We bonded over meaningful side discussions such as the 4 degree temperature drop, the people visiting Casper, how animals react, the last time this happened and it was a time filled with positive emotions.

4 awesome ladies viewing the August 21 Eclipse Across Denver. Photo taken at Citron Bistro, 3535 S Yosemite St, Denver


Sunset at Night — is natural — But Sunset on the Dawn Reverses Nature — Master — So Midnight’s — due — at Noon.

Eclipses be — predicted — And Science bows them in — But do one face us suddenly — Jehovah’s Watch — is wrong. c. 1862 by Emily Dickinson

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